Stretching Limitations

Sep 27, 2010 17:31

In response to a prompt from the 100 Members Comment-Fic Party.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these lovely ladies. Not for profit, just for entertainment.  Summary:  This is very naughty. Testing the boundaries in an established relationship. Some BDSM. HG is a devilish woman indeed.

HG Wells smiled at her naked girlfriend. Myka was stretched out on their bed, her curly hair a dark fan on the pillow. She was teasing her, squirming and stretching one, then the other leg in the air.

HG folded her arms where she stood, leaning against the door frame. “Hello darling,” she murmured.

“Hi yourself honey,” Myka said and grinned at her.

“You look like you’ve been a naughty girl,” HG said dangerously.

Myka swallowed. This darker side of Helena was still a little scary to her.

HG closed the door behind her and walked over to the dresser. “Get up,” she ordered with her back to Myka. Their eyes met in the mirror. HG silently counted to ten. She got to three before Myka moved. The bed squeaked a little as she moved. She stopped a foot away from HG.

“Do you trust me darling?” HG asked softly.

“Implicitly,” Myka said firmly.

“Right answer,” HG said and smiled at her.

The smile was almost predatory and Myka’s eyes widened a little, but she did not move. Then she noticed what HG was holding. She sucked in air between her teeth. “What’s that?”

HG turned slowly and held the object in her palms. Her hands covered by purple gloves. “Lucrezia Borgia’s paddle.”

“Oh god!,” Myka gasped. Her whole body tingled and her nipples stiffened instantly.

“Do you trust me?” HG asked her again.

Myka nodded silently, eyes transfixed on the item in HG’s hands.

“Answer me!” HG barked.

Myka jumped and her head snapped up. “Yes Helena. I trust you.”

“Excellent. Get back on the bed.” When Mika didn’t move her eyes narrowed. “NOW!” she said sternly, but a smile played on her lips.

Mika scrambled backwards, heart beating. She quickly jumped on the bed and sat down in the middle watching HG.

“Face the wall. Hands on the bed frame.”

Myka obeyed instantly. Kneeling on the bed facing the wall she couldn’t see HG. She tried to decipher what she was doing by the sounds. Then there was a slight bounce on the bed and she felt HG pressing up against her from behind. She caressed her hair away from her face and kissed her cheek. “You are so beautiful Myka,” she whispered in her ear. “This is for you my darling.”

Myka shivered. She remembered the conversation they had had a couple of weeks ago. Helena has coaxed her to reveal her most secret sexual fantasy. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Do I love you?”

“You do. I know you do,” Myka said quickly. She yelped when HG pinched her nipples. Her breathing increased and she was getting wet.

“Right answer darling. See what nice rewards come to good girls?”

“Yes Helena,” Myka agreed obediently.

“What’s the word?” HG purred in her ear.

The word? The word? Myka started to panic. What word? Then she remembered. The safe word. “Lily,” she whispered. Smack! HG’s hand made contact with her bottom. She welcomed the touch. “Ahhh!”

She felt HG take her wrist and wrap a soft tie around it. She watched as she tied first her left wrist to the headboard and then her right one. Fear washed over her for a moment. HG must have noticed because she again smoothed Myka’s hair away from her face. She gently cupped her chin and made her look at her. “Are you okay darling?”

Myka nodded. HG gave her a searing kiss. “If this is too much, too soon don’t hesitate to use the safe word. Promise?” HG said softly.

Again Myka nodded. “Good,” HG said and let go of her. Myka felt cold without her closeness. Where was she? She tried to look over her shoulder. “Ah, ah, ah, no you won’t,” HG warned. Myka’s head snapped back around, facing the wall again. Suddenly she felt HG’s soft hand rub her bottom. Then without warning she pulled hard at her left leg until Myka spread her legs. “Spread them,” she ordered. “Do not close your legs,” HG warned. A moment later she felt HG place something soft between her knees. Afraid to look down she tried to figure out what it was by its feel. A sofa cushion she thought. Then HG’s hand was back touching her, caressing her. It felt really good. Then HG entered her from behind. Myka cried out.

“You’re so wet already,” HG whispered in her ear.

“Oh god Helena.” She yelped again when HG removed her hand, but she barely had time to process the loss before she felt a sting on her buttocks. Smack! The paddle made full contact with her exposed skin. Myka gasped and her eyes started to tear. The pain was manageable, but that was only part of it. As the paddle made contact with her skin it felt like every erogenous spot on her body was stimulated. It felt like someone was both pinching and sucking on her nipples at the same time. Her clit felt like it was touched from every angle at once. She felt her vaginal muscles contract. Her whole body tingled with excitement.

HG smiled as she watched Myka’s facial expressions. She knew the feeling. It had been a while, but it was a feeling she would never forget. She caressed the pink paddle mark on Myka’s butt, then reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. Myka moaned and pushed against her hand.

“That felt good, didn’t it love?” HG purred.

“Yes Helena,” Myka said in a shaky voice.

Smack! Myka shook violently from the overstimulation of her body. HG could see her trying to close her knees. She leaned forward and pinched Myka’s left nipple. “What did I say about moving your legs?” she hissed.

“Not to do it. I’m sorry baby,” Myka whispered, almost sobbing.

Helena kneeled on the bed behind her and wrapped her body around her lover. She cupped her breasts and played roughly with her nipples. Myka realized that HG was still fully clothed. It made her feel exposed and defenseless, but she was too aroused to really care. “I love you Helena,” she said.

HG caressed her damp hair away from her face and kissed her. “You are doing great darling. You’re so sexy.”

Myka panted as HG rubbed her clit while continuing her torture of her nipple. “More,” she breathed.

HG hesitated for a moment. This was Myka’s first experience with her little toy. “Are you sure?”


HG let go of her, but not before trailing kisses down her spine. Myka was so close it was almost painful. She braced herself for the impact. Still when it came, she was not prepared for the feeling rippling through her body. “Oh god, oh god, oh god!” She had barely time to recover before the paddle made contact with her behind again. She whimpered. Smack! “God Helena!” she cried out and her entire body shook when the orgasm overtook her body. She felt Helena’s hands on her, on her breasts and her center. Her hot mouth kissed the pink skin on her buttocks. A second orgasm hit her and moments later she collapsed, her arms pulling against the ropes.

HG quickly untied her and pulled her into a tight embrace. “It’s okay darling. I’ve got you.” She brushed Myka’s now sweat soaked hair away from her face and cupped her chin. “Myka, are you okay?” she asked softly.

Myka nodded, unable to find her voice. She swallowed and finally looked up at HG. She took a ragged breath before she spoke. “I had no idea,” she finally managed. Her voice sounded hoarse.

HG chuckled. “Is that good or bad?”

“Good, definitely good,” she said and grinned.

HG kissed her hard. “I knew you would be able to handle it.”

Myka just smiled, not sure how to respond. She protested when HG pulled away from her.

“It’s okay love. I just want to take my clothes off,” HG said and covered Myka’s cooling body.

She quickly undressed and then slid in under the comforter. She gathered Myka in her arms and nuzzled her neck. HG had always felt that this was the most intimate part of love making. With past lovers she had many times shied away from the quiet aftermath of intense lovemaking, but not with Myka. It had surprised her how much she craved this with Myka.

warehouse 13, fanfiction

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