Ultimate Purity Score Is... CategoryYour Score Average Self-Lovin'65%
Explored the pleasures of the flesh 65%Shamelessness61.9%
It takes a couple of drinks 79.4% Sex Drive 47.4%
I got needs, baby, you gotta unnastan'!77.7%Straightness21.4%
Knows the other body type like a map 44.8% Gayness 44.6%
At least one weekend of ecstacy 83.6%
Fucking Sick71.7%
Dipped into depravity 89.9%
You are 52.69% pure
Average Score: 72.6%
Take The Ultimate Purity Test
and see how you match up! c
Darkness holds you down. You are swallowed by your
own self pity. Your an extremely creative
writer, artist, actor or anything like that.
You will vent out your hate for yourself and
everyone around you in a journal or maybe
through poetry? You sometimes worry your
friends because it looks like you may do
something drastic but mostly they think you are
over dramtic. I understand that you feel like
it isn't worth the bother but it is believe me,
and in yourself. Pull yourself out of your rut!
Plz rate my quiz!!
What emotion is holding you down?** Best Anime pics ever!**(girlies only)NEW RESULT! brought to you by
QuizillaI'm sitting her at school on FCAT days. why you ask, because of the sole reason of the school has a better internet connection then my house does.