May 08, 2009 22:35
I just finished my first year of grad school. It's really weird. Especially since there's so much left to do. I feel like I haven't accomplished a thing at all yet. Sunday I leave for a research trip to the National Archives in College Park, MD. It should be fun. the best part is I got a scholarship to go. So all expenses paid. Definitely a plus. This semester I'm going to intern in the archives of the local library. In the fall, I'm taking collections management and doing my Teaching Assistantship in the library's special collections. So hopefully all the experience I'll be getting will help me out career-wise.
Currently, I'm playing fetch with my cat. Not much else exciting to note. I've developed a social life here which makes Wilmington suck a bit less. On the flip side, spending all my time with academics makes me increasingly impatient with pretension and snobbery. I thought Oglethorpians were a swollen-headed bunch.
Does the phallic quiznos commercial disgust anyone else? Cause I kinda wish restaurants would stop comparing my food to penises.