Jun 05, 2005 16:40


Kris is a dumbass and deleated her entire buddylist on AIM. Since I am waaay too lazy to try and either remember the list or try to find the deleated list...please leave your AIM sn as a comment...or just be like FUCK YOU YOU STUPID CUNT. I don't really care, hell the more beligerant the better. Yes, the only ones I actually fully remember are Mike, Carlie and Laurens SN...sorry.

I will be open for all to see, aka online despite having you on or off my list.

Oh, I got my RIO Forge MP3 player today...wanted it for a while. My CD player was killed during the cruise in some major mystery accident so I treated myself to an early 21st bday present. It is a hell of a lot better than Apple...but then again that is not hard. It is prettier and is built for runners. So yes, present for me today...plus I deserved something from all the stress I have had so neah...

Dad gave me a bottle of Grey Goose to "give" to Mike. I already promised it to Mike since I sort of abused his Tequilla Rose and since he deserves the best...so all is well =). Oh and bday and thanks and all the good shit he deserves.

Ahh I run tonight!!!! WITH MY NEW MP3 PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH its hot shit. My ears are too small for the ear piece...but that is okay since my Sony earset is nicer anyway. Or not, they are just smaller for my ears.

Oh wow, too much time with my sister. I will end this before you do.
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