Apr 12, 2007 10:06
I just had to vent a little here. So, I have had a very productive 2007 so far. I am dealing with all my issues and moving forward with my list of things to do. This also includes dealing with home town friend issues and past dating issues....
This is the silly thing... about a week and a half ago I decided that it was time to tell JR how much I realized I messed things up between us. I was the one pushing him to be something he wasnt... etc, etc... So, I worte the letter and had every intention of mailing or emailing it before his birthday... But now he is leaving for aditional training and then back to Iraq... GRRR.... I was getting all crazy about it.. Like I need to tell him now... We havent talked more then a couple of emails in the last year... its not like this is going to be any different... I really have to rain in the crazy old me... I am an empowered woman now.... So, I am resolved to just sent the damn letter and see what happens... Its not like I have any control over it... Whatever are relationship is to be or not to be is in gods hands... Things will be revieled in time... Okay... sorry for the rant.. I feel better now...
Its not like I am looking to be back together... especially if hes still doing the Marine thing.. I can be supportive but I am not going to be that girl again.... So I will just let the chips fall where they may...
Thanks for listening...