Apr 04, 2007 13:33
I just wanted to post a little something about my old friends.
Okay, when one moves to a new location friends should be happy and excited for their friend, right?
Well, Not my friends. My home town friends of a decade have found every reason to make me look like a trator for not including them in details of my life since I moved.
How long is this to go on? How long should I let it go on?
I can't be there and I can't be here and let them in on everything... Why would I.
So, my friend S that can't seem to let go has recently acussed me of having my mind swayed and that she now knows "who her true friends are" I guess thats just how you think of things when you havent steped out of your box for some 12 years.
I just want to feel nagged to share my life. She always has other motives to things. She says she doesnt but how can one not when you out of the blue decide to contact someone after not talking to them at all in over four years (something she recently did with another friend)
Anyway, am I the only one who thinks this is a lot rediculous and pretty much childish?
Just thought I would ask for some input
Thank All