Astronauts and Puzzles

Jan 20, 2013 00:16

I think I own way too much lotion. This is what it looks like now, but I actually got rid of a bunch of bottles several months ago that were gathering dust so this actually is the pared down collection. The good news is, I've finally discovered a new favorite lotion! Acure Organics mandarin orange. I ran out already though, and I'm trying to prevent myself from buying more of it until I finish these. (Which might take a couple years, lol).

I finally saw Looper today. I thought it was pretty good! But I wasn't really sure it needed the psi element to it, since time travel itself was already a major premise. It had its problems and plot holes, but I guess those are inevitable in time bending stories.

Arbitrage was good too! I think Richard Gere did a decent job in that role, and his interactions with Susan Serandan (who played his wife) were particularly excellent.

I also belatedly watched The Dark Knight Rises. I have to admit, I was entertained while I watching it, but afterward I felt almost insulted by the whackness of the long, plot-hole ridden ordeal. I don't think I'm a very picky movie watcher, but I think the lengths to which Nolan expected his audience to suspend their disbelief was completely ridic. I'm not even sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not...

I haven't seen too many of the Oscar contenders, but I will attest that Lincoln and Life of Pi were both very good. I'm not sure what the standards of Oscar are though, and I usually disagree with their decisions, anyway. xD

space brothers!
I finally caught up to the most recent episode of this today! And oooh my god I cried and cried and cried, it was not to be believed. I have never cried this much watching any anime, ever. I was not expecting that. I was reluctant to watch more after the first few episodes, because it starts out pretty slowly. The pace picks up later, but even then, it interjects with lots of flashbacks and backstories. I thought I'd be annoyed by all the zipping back and forth and changes in POVs, but they execute it so wonderfully that I was completely drawn in. I absolutely love this show. ♥

Right now, it's at quite the cliffhanger, and I'm so nervous about the outcome!! O__o;;;;

liar game &tc
Started reading The Liar Game recently. It reminds me a lot of old school Yugioh, except much more involved. I admittedly skim through it when they get into detail about the various strategies and explanations. But I like all the characters and I love the concept of it very much. It's very cerebral.

I'm told that I should read Hetalia. I have to say I've avoided this series, mainly because I was skeptical about the concept, and I think the art is kind of ugly (I'm sorry!) I went ahead and ordered vol 1 though, just to take a peek. Maybe I'll like it afterall?? I guess we'll have to see.

ds lite
After a lot of hemming and hawing, I finally bought myself a Nintendo DS Lite. It hasn't shipped yet, so I'm still waiting eagerly for it. I mostly got it because I wanted to play Professor Layton, which sounded like a pretty awesome game. A mix between storyline and puzzles? I felt odd buying a console just to play one game, but... xD;;

Hopefully it'll be worth it??

saiyuki gaiden: ants of heaven
I was so incredibly excited when this actually happened! I think MK is incredibly talented at coming up with unique characters in droves. I'm amazed that she did it not just in Ibun but here as well, with a huge cast in both cases. I think she's created enough base material to produce volumes worth of stories! I just worry about her health though, and I hope she doesn't stretch herself out too thin...

Meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing some Ants fanfic. x)

Lastly, I leave you with this link: Things Asians Hate. Actually, I don't hate most of these things, but it mostly depends on my mood?

"You're Japanese? Do you eat sushi at home? Are ninjas real? Has anyone in your family ever killed themselves?"

Hahaha! I almost wish people would ask me these things. ;)

space brothers, movie, liar game, hetalia, saiyuki, ants of heaven, ds lite

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