Well, it looks like the first
tenipuri OVA will cover Higa vs. Rokkaku, complete with incident involving ball smacking into poor Ojii's face. Meanwhile, Ryoma returns from abroad (so I guess they're keeping the whole US Open storyline from the end of anime), and Seigaku prepares for their first match at Nationals, which will be the next day. (I
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Now I really need to download the Higa & Shitenhouji chapters. ^^;;; *clicks the link* OH LOOKIE, SANADA IS THERE. =D
Ooo, you should. *nods* Especially the Shitenhouji ones. There aren't too many yet at this point.
248: Kintarou is joined by rest of Shitenhouji team (minus 2) and they recognize Ryoma as the kid that Yuushi was taunting Kenya about. Pretty full page spread of most of the team, including Kenya and Chitose.
249: Tezuka returns in time for selection order drawing. Appearance by Shiraishi and one other guy from Shitenhouji.
272: Hyoutei shows up at Nationals. They see Shintenhouji has arrived, as well. Full page spread of Shintenhouji.
See this pose here in Kenya icon? Atobe makes the exact same pose in one of the Rikkai chaps, way back! I was so amused.
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