Writing writing

Sep 13, 2011 02:53

Got a lot of work done on my first Babylon 5 story, to the tune of about 1600 words in about 3-4 hours. Training up for NaNo and all that :P

The story is pretty dialogue heavy, focusing on Lennier's experience in the episode "Day of the Dead". I generally prefer Londo as a character, but his voice is much more intimidating to write than Lennier or G'kar, who tend to speak pretty formally. Anyway, its almost exclusively dialogue, answering the question of why G'kar didn't participate in Day of the Dead (short answer: dead people are evil and will only say things to hurt you or doom you). Which I feel is fairly consistent with some folklore I've seen, and it would explain why he knew better than to go. My conclusion is that really even people who got relatively benign visitiations during the festival really didn't, because of the way old wounds were opened. So its generally an all around bad thing to attend, and G'kar is once again the smartest person on the station.

I'm going to edit more in the morning, and probably add about 500 words, probably making some cameos for Lochley and Londo (the other characters who were visited by the dead in the episode). I'll post it around the usual suspects (fanfiction.net, maybe link to it in some B5 comms). Maybe after this story I'll move on to more Londo-centric stuff, or maybe move on entirely from writing in this fandom. I don't know, I just couldn't get G'kar explaining why talking to the dead is a TERRIBLE IDEA out of my head and just began writing this rambling conversation between the two. My opinion at the moment is its a fair rough draft, and at the beginning I've actually got a decent ear for their voices, which goes a bit off once I started getting tired and exposition-heavy. I'll probably need to go back to seed some humor in, but there's ultimately no plot except to get the dialogue off my chest.

Anyway, as I said I'm hoping to come back here a little more.

babylon 5

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