Nov 26, 2009 23:20
So as anyone who has met me knows, I think beating up on Twilight for being terrible is like beating up a cripple, its just too easy but I do it anyway. (OMG not literally please don't hurt me)
It seems I got my comeuppance, to an extent. I saw New Moon.
*Buries face in hands*
And I actually enjoyed it. I enjoyed the love triangle, I got Bella's fixation on Edward and friendship/flirty thing with Jacob, I drooled over Jacob's inability to keep his shirt on, I adored ADORED the action scenes (btw, Jane was apparently played by Dakota Fanning and I think she must now play a Gothic Red Riding Hood or else).
I mean, yeah, there were a lot of silly and lame parts. But the thing is, I think I wouldn't have even noticed those if I hadn't gone in DELIBERATELY INTENDING to tear it apart. That's right, I went in planning to tear that movie limb from limb MST3K style and I got sucked in.
I hate myself for liking that movie. That doesn't mean I like the series, but I still feel like I need help. Psychiatric help.
There's a hotline or something, right?