Dec 30, 2010 21:32

so here we are, the end of another year. I..... have been really lazy this year XD; I've barely posted in my live journal and posted a bit more on my facebook XD; and I didn't post anything at all on my deviantart, which is silly because I've made a LOT of things this year! I guess I feel like I don't really have much to say any more. I should post my pictures from....... well, all of the cons I've been to this year, since I haven't I don't think? XD; and I actually went to 12! I've traveled to places I've never been before, like Atlanta and Detroit, as well as my old haunting grounds. I guess it's because I didn't take a lot of pictures, and most of what I took were either my group being silly or private photo shoots which are becoming my fave thing to do *_* if you want to see them, let me know~

I've come to enjoy what I have, because at any moment, it could be taken away from you. I've also learned to not take things for granted... well, to a point, at any rate. I love all of my friends and wish I could spend more time with all of you, especially when we only see each other at con, which is ALWAYS hectic for me, no matter what XD;

one more thing, before I close out the year- I'm sure a few of you remember my lament from earlier in the year about my car. well...... I ended up trading Bitch Diva in. my mother convinced me that I should- she was worried about something happening to me while I was on the road. so now I have Fast and Easy- a 2010 Malibu. he's Imperial Blue with grey interior. why Fast and Easy? well.... Bitch Diva was named for her plates- BH61DV. Fast and Easy's plates are EZZ7411. that explains the Easy part. as for Fast? well.... I drove to Atlanta for AWA this year, and the speed limit for 75 is, well, 75 south of Louisville, save for Chattanooga. seeing as how I JUST got him (I picked him up on Monday and left on Thursday. hell, he didn't even have a NAME yet), I took him on the ultimate test- can he go fast? well, seeing as how we did 90 the entire way? he passed. so Fast and Easy. I'll have him at Ohayocon, in case anyone who rode in BD wants to say hello XD;

all in all, 2010 was.... well, it was okay. it wasn't great, but it didn't totally suck either. things could have been better, but they also could have been a LOT worse. and with this, I bid thee, farewell. see you in 2011!
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