May 11, 2005 15:25

I am quite annoyed. I am having one hell of a day here. I woke up this morning and my leg was itching me. I looked down and realized I had all these little red bumps on the leg and then looked over to my other leg and noticed that had the same thing. I got quite nervous and it seemed to be spreading so I went to urgent care because the dermatologist was not in this week. So, I went over there, paid a $20 dollar copay that apparently I shouldn't have paid and waited around for a good half hour to 45 minutes. Luckily, he said it wasn't anything to worry about, he gave me some samples of allegra which seemed to help. So I came home for a little while and then went to class. Luckily my mat boards came in the mail today so I can work on that tomorrow. When I got to school, I printed out a copy of my project, and then we had to do a critique. That took about a half an hour and then i was going to have my teacher print me out a big copy of my project on nicer paper so it took him forever to even take my disc to do it and then he comes in like ten minutes later and says that there was a paper jam so he has to do it again...then about fifteen minutes later he comes back in and says that they're out of ink and he had to replace that...then he comes in again in another ten or so minutes and tells me that he reloaded the ink and he's just waiting for it to reset...then again in another ten or fifteen minutes he comes back and says that it's stuck again so he thinks i'm gonna have to pick it up tomorrow or something, so I wasted like 45 minutes of this beautiful day in a freaking computer lab with nothing to do and nothing to show for it.

Then, I come home and low and behold, they're doing road work on our road again and blocking off both ends of it, so I had to go down another street and then back up to park. What a freaking pain! They made James miss his freaking class today because he couldn't get out on either end of the road. That fucking sucks! And all day all we've been hearing is those freaking trucks backing up..I honestly don't think they know how to drive forward. Then when I get signed on to work, my email is still not working since last thursday...i've called the helpdesk about it and my supervisor and nothing is fixed yet. How irritating!

But, there were obviously highlights of the day. I don't have some kind of weird skin disease, I got my mat boards for tomorrow and I have tomorrow off. Tonight I'm making mushroom pizza for dinner and then we're going to the gym. Gotta work off my lunch and dinner! I'm reallly excited for tomorrow, to see Seinfeld. It should be a lot of fun! Oh yeah, and I think I'm going to get my hair chopped off tomorrow, but the girl i was going to go to that does Sue's hair, apparently doesn't work at the place anymore...I had to call Sue and tell her and she is all upset because now she doesn't know where to go to get her hair done. I don't know where either. I guess it'll have to be some kind of walk in place, but those really scare me. I wanted to go to an actual salon and make an appointment but I can't find anyone now. I hope I don't get butchered! Wish me luck!

Ok, I'm gonna run for now. Later!
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