at least I don't suck at life!

Dec 04, 2005 19:51

On Saturday, IUB had the 2nd annual college bowl, and I recruited 3 teams through CHP. We ended up having 15 people on the three CHP teams; the CHP bowlers, led by Annie, the Power Rangers, led by Paras, and the Cerebrally eHanced People, led by me, with David, Colin, and Seth. There were also two teams made up of members from the academic buzzer team; Team Hubris, and Team Know Nothings, which my friend Kelly was on, and six other teams that are not important.

My team got a by in the first round, and then we won the 2nd round. It was a double elimination game, so once you lose 2x, you are out. We won all our games, including one against The Power Rangers, until we got to Team Hubris. Now, these guys are psycho. Colin thought that he saw one of them taking some type of pill... Anyway, I asked the reader to slow down a little, and the psycho guy on the other team said, "It doesn't matter how fast he reads, as long as he reads clearly, you can understand him just fine." I said, "well, you also need to be able to comprehend what he says." Then the guy said, "Well, if I can comprehend faster than you, then I deserve to win!" My goodness, what hubris! There was another guy who hit his head when he got a question wrong, and the captain was really mean when his teammates got questions wrong. We were ahead for most of the game, but sadly, we lost by 30 points, which is the equivalant of one tossup and one bonus.

After that, we had a break, and the four of us were sitting around talking. We decided that we may not be as knowlegeable of random trivia as them, but unlike them, we don't suck at life!

Then we played Team Know Nothing, and we lost by quite a lot. However, I am happy to report that they showed excellent sportsmanship. Then they played Team Hubris, and I guess they lost, because I'm sure Kelly would have mentioned it if they won... I don't know, because Adam and I went out to eat. Anyway, my team came in 3rd overall, and we did the best of all the CHP teams! The funny thing is, I'm not even that good at random trivia, but I know how to recruit people who are, and that is why my teams always do well! I think I have found my talent in life!
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