Godwin watch

May 13, 2009 15:38

Gakked from syndicated

Scottish Reverend compares "battle against gays" occuring within the Scottish Church to the war against the Nazis

Someone recently suggested to me that I should start a religious blog. However, it is very likely that it would consist merely of links to articles such as the one above with me going "aaargh, the stupid!" or amusing cartoons from Sinfest

When it comes to people waving the Big Book about and using it to pour venom onto a particular group, I'm reminded of the point that
pax_draconis  once made about the number of prohibtions against homosexual behaviour versus heterosexual behaviour in the bible (many more instances of the latter folks). So, you know, it's not like God doesn't hate fags, he just hates straights and breeders more*. There's an interesting reading of the bible here which picks appart a lot of the traditional sections of the bible used to justify this kind of hatred.

So here it is folks, perhaps (just perhaps) we could attempt some sort of crazy-ass process whereby we follow the teachings of Jesus. Y'know, like the New Testament says we should (New Testament, anyone? Bit that replaced the Old Testament in a kind of God Bothering v2.0**, or new BSG?)

Anyhow, to summarise, I leave you with this***.

* I am making a joke
** This too, is a joke
*** Additionally, this.

Sadly, the original link to the Times Article is not a joke. No. Bums.


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