Mar 20, 2009 13:30
As some of you might know, part of my job involves IT support. I'm generally ok with hardware stuff and can ensure cables are plugged in and whatnot, I'm pretty good with a lot of Office software and can make Excel do a little dance every now and then, should the whimsy take me. I can turn any number of devices off and then on again after wating a few, magical seconds.
I am not very good with email, in the sense that I don't really understand any more than the basics in terms of how it works. Which is unfortunate, as this is where most of our problems lie. Or perhaps they are problems because I can't fix them and therefore remain firmly in the "unknown" category. I have spent a very frustrating morning on the phone first to our outsourced IT guy who tells me that our server is fine, then to BT who tell me that their lines are fine.
And yet, we seem to be unable to send or receive emails from the outside world. This does not seem to correspond to the concept of "fine". So I'm knee deep in jargon, and everyone appears to be pointing at everyone else going "ah, no the problem is with that guy".
Another round of phone calls beckons.