Food for the Hungry

Jun 18, 2008 10:48

On the way to school this morning I gave away my breakfast and lunch. How did this happen, I'm hungry now and want that banana.

Actually I was stopped at a red light right off the 5fwy and there was a homeless guy with a sign...probably saying the usual, that he's homeless ect. But in big letters, and this is what I saw, it said HUNGRY. So when the light turned green and I got to him I passed through my window a Trader Joes salad and a banana. If I would have had a drink that probably would have gone out the window too. He thanked me and looked so shocked.

Its funny too cause I rarely bring my lunch to school. I'll either go to one of the restaurants around (Kabuki or Islands mainly) here or head over to Trader Joes during lunch. So had he not been there today, and I've never noticed him there before...there would have been no lunch to give either way. I'm not in the best financial situation either, but its probably better than that mans. And I had a lunch.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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