Mon, 05:07: RT @ jackburtonbot: Mutual Fidelity Insureres of Sacramento... well there’s gotta be a listing honey, cause I pay ’um 6 g’s a year in premiu…
Mon, 06:30: RT @ prickvixen_: I want a book just about the Dursleys. I want 300 pages of them picking their noses and belching and going red in the face…
Mon, 06:33: RT @ MontereyAq: One glimpse of these eight-armed wonders, and they'll pull, drag and suck you into our gripping Tentacles exhibit. https://…
Mon, 06:33: RT @ Bipartisanism: "I've lost count of how many republicans are running for president. Soon they'll have enough for a hunger games." http:/…
Mon, 08:59: RT @ blambot: The longest word in a dialogue balloon dictates the size of the balloon. Can’t get any narrower than that word w/o hyphenating…
Mon, 08:59: RT @ blambot: While that seems really obvious, it can completely change your placement options on the page.
Mon, 10:12: RT @ gerryconway: If You Buy The Stuff No One Else Likes, You Just May Be A “Harbinger Of Failure” - I have a bad feeling about this... http…
Mon, 10:14: RT @ gerryconway: I not only bought a BetaMax, I bought an HD-DVD player instead of a Blu-Ray; a Rio MP3 player; and a Sega Dreamcast http:/…
Mon, 10:16: RT @ gerryconway: I loved "Alcatraz" and "Firefly;" I bought Jane Child's debut album; I raved about the "Rocketeer" movie...…
Mon, 10:18: RT @ xor: Under a reasonable copyright term, Tolkien would be public domain by now and we would have way cooler movies…
Mon, 11:09: RT @ Judd_Markowitz: A racialized fear of crime & a racialized distaste for the poor have remained central elements of American politics for…
Mon, 11:10: RT @ Ragnell: Rewatchign Green Lantern is tough even for a fan because a) they waste so much time on Hal's dayjob and b) Carol looks like hi…
Mon, 11:11: RT @ AquilaRift: So the Great Ship stories ... they're about this mindbogglingly huge starship, about the size of Jupiter, and really ancien…
Mon, 11:11: RT @ AquilaRift: ...cruising around the galaxy, and the ship's so old that no one aboard it knows who made it or even what's inside it.
Mon, 11:12: RT @ TeaPartyCat: After Greece plunges into banking crisis, Donald Trump demands Obama to “build a wall on border with Greece to keep out re…
Mon, 11:22: RT @ xor: If you're looking to copyright to *suppress* the creation of cultural works, you have deeply missed the point
Mon, 11:22: RT @ tauriqmoosa: Stories aren't persons, they can't "call" for anything. You decide. You create the story. You are its god. Stop this excus…