State of the Dragon: Better than the Alternative

Dec 18, 2009 16:17

The other morning, I posted that I didn't feel quite real, nor was I anywhere near happy.

Yesterday, my psychologist said a few things that brought a lot of things into focus.

I think I've finally come to terms with the separation itself, and worked past some of the emotional knots I've been tying myself into. From this point, I really can start concentrating on finding a decent, full-time job.

I walked out of his office feeling happy for the first time in months, feeling hope that wasn't tinged with desperation.

And this morning, when I woke up...

I felt real.

image Click to view

I'm Alive!
Electric Light Orchestra
from the movie

I'm alive -- and the world shines for me today!
I'm alive -- suddenly I am here today!
Seems like forever (and a day!)
Thought I could never (feel this way!)
Is this really me?
I'm alive ...
I'm alive ...

I'm alive -- and the dawn breaks across the sky!
I'm alive -- and the sun rises up so high!
Lost in another world (far away!)
Never another word (till today!)
But what can I say?
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
I'm alive!

Suddenly came the dawn (from the night!)
Suddenly I was born (into light!)
How can it be real?
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
I'm alive!

I'm alive -- and the world shines for me today!
I'm alive -- suddenly I am here today!
Seems like forever (and a day!)
Thought I could never (feel this way!)
Is this really me?
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
(Cheesy Disco Music Video HERE!)

video, music, quelonzia, separation, athelind, love

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