At this moment, as I type this, I am watching C-SPAN as Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) is filing 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.
Thank the gods.
EDIT: NEWS LINKS It is 17:35 PDT, 20:35 EDT. He is on article 9 or 10 of 35.
Turn on C-SPAN now.
Call your representative NOW and urge them to vote in support!
My e-mail to our representative,
Mike Honda:
Rep. Honda:
As I write this, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich is presenting 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush to the United States Congress.
Mr. Honda, my wife and I cannot urge you strongly enough to vote in favor of these articles. We have endured the flagrant and high-handed disregard for law exhibited by the current occupant of the White House for long enough.
Thank you.