Since my boss blocked facebook from my work computer due to fear of virus's and I don't have internet at my new place I am looking for other atheist/antitheist individuals to keep me entertained while I'm "working". Here are some news articles which I hope you will all enjoy, please comment and leave any news/science sources for me to delight over so I don't have to go masterbate in the bathroom everyday just to keep me from going into a severe state of mind numbing depression.
Here are some articles I found to be very imformative and just for fun want to share them. Also, I would recommend a book The Spirit Level Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett two epidemiologists who reveal 30 years of data in regards to public health and economic inequality.
This article includes 4 other article links all worth reading in regards to altruism. Mating strategies.. These two are in regards to the environment. This is in regards to Chiropractics...