So I went cold turkey off all my meds about a week ago. I feel violent. Mostly I'm just sick of my mother calling me a bitch and thinking she knows everything and that my meds 'don't work.' We'll see soon enough how well they worked
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Fucked out of school. Again. Lost place of living. Moved into mom's basement. Worked at gas station. Girlfriend and I broke up. Friend needed roommate. Moved.
Actually, yes. Moving out here has pretty much been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've got a kickass job maknig really good money (and a raise at the end of the month), the scenery and weather are beautiful...the only thing I really want would be a girlfriend, but that'll come eventually.
Fucked out of school. Again.
Lost place of living.
Moved into mom's basement.
Worked at gas station.
Girlfriend and I broke up.
Friend needed roommate.
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