I smell incompetence

Dec 17, 2009 13:48

So, four weeks after I last did, I finally got myself to call Conifers CMHT again as I've still heard absolutely nothing from anyone since that phone call, and that phone call was the only contact I had at all about my case since the last appointment with my psychiatrist on 29th October 2009.

Actually first I tried to phone the person who got things rolling a bit again earlier in the year, Liz. But she's on extended leave for some reason, so instead I got put back through to Dr Bhatia's secretary. She re-iterated that I'd been released back to my GP, and as such no-one at Conifers was responsible for me or could do anything.

I pointed out that even though Dr Bhatia claimed that Broadhurst Community Access Project should now be handling getting me into therapy I'd heard nothing in any way, shape or form from them, or anyone else, about this. Nor had I received the copy of the letter referring me back to my GP that the secretary had said she'd send 4 weeks ago.

I'm starting to wonder, and I did state this on the phone, if Dr Bhatia thought we'd agreed in the appointment that I'd get in touch with Broadhurst to get them to arrange therapy. It's the closest to a sane explanation of why I've heard nothing. But the thing is I do remember enough about that last appointment to know that I was reluctant to be released back to my GP and that I was insisting very much that he look into getting me onto a waiting list for therapy. What I had in mind for that was them having actual therapists either at Conifers or attached to it.

I managed to dig out the general office number for Broadhurst to give to the secretary after insisting that surely someone at Conifers would have been involved in initiating the request for therapy by them and thus given I've heard nothing from Broadhurst it would seem to be Conifers' job to see what was going on.

So now I wait to see what, if anything, happens next. I'm not holding my breath.

Oh yeah, and who ever is to blame here I'm wondering how I go about making a formal complaint about the handling of all of this.

people are stupid, mental health, psychiatrists, broadhurst

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