Sep 21, 2009 14:55
As mentioned in a prior post I was intending to phone up for a doctors appointment today.
To start with this didn't go well. I fully woke up at 08h when my alarm went off and took my morning dose of Pregabalin, which then reminded me about needing the phone for the appointment. This instantly sent me into a spin of avoidance, not even getting out of bed for another hour.
Then I spent another hour just 'waking up' fully, and it was sometime after 10h before I finally did phone up. Now a big driver in this was because this morning, after getting out of bed, the 'head spinniness' was much worse. So, yet again it's proven that one way to actually get me to do things is to put me in a crisis, not that this is a solution to my anxiety/avoidance as if this happens too often I'll just go into hyper-avoidance instead, no matter what the crises are.
Anyway, so I phoned, and first attempt gave me a busy signal. One short "arghghghg!" later I phoned again and got through, and surprisingly got an appointment for 14:10 today. I'm just back from that. I had gone into it having convinced myself to not second-guess medical professionals and so simply presented the symptom, not my own conclusion that this is a Pregabalin side-effect. My doctor quickly concluded that I had a viral infection (presumably of my inner ear or somesuch, although I'm sure he never said that), and thus has prescribed me 3x5mg/day of Prochlorperazine for 2 weeks. Of course then I mooted the possibility this was a Pregabalin side-effect, but he didn't think it likely, so on with this I go.
Now to see if I get the possible drowsiness on this. If so the next 2 weeks are going to be no fun at all.
Oh, and if this is a viral infection then I probably have my GP to blame. After all it was only him prescribing me 2, not 4, weeks worth of Pregabalin that meant I was even out of the flat around the probable time of picking this up.