So the other night I couldn't sleep and I started thinking about the waste-spell and its variants in s-d because you know, what else would I be thinking about. I haven't been around the LJ parts for a while, but now I have some questions so I hope this is okay.
Indelicate questions under the cut:
Are there medical repercussions???
1. Sometimes as unpleasant as it seems with our OWN cultural taboo on body functions and such, symptoms of a variety of illnesses manifest in the character and contents of waste. For example, if someone's vomiting we know something's wrong, but if they're vomiting blood we know something is REALLY wrong or at least a different kind of wrong, but with the waste spell that kind of distinction would get lost in the throat. Other kinds of health issues also have symptoms that are related to waste, even hydration is a little easier to keep track of if one bothers to check the color of their urine. Does the trade of the hyper sanitized environment and cultural taboo of s-d end up with people being undiagnosed more or for longer?
1a. Same applies to animals, actually. Even though I know they cannot use the waste spell and the task falls to "wanders", it seems the cultural taboo would prevent animal-owners from paying much attention to the waste their wanding, which given that animals don't always signal something is wrong, their waste is one of the main diagnostic tools we have. My roommate's cat once ended up with a bladder stone and the ONLY symptom he was in any discomfort was his bloody urine, but it was a pretty darn important thing that needed to be treated.
I'm actually just curious how the modified waste spell for this works. Though depending on if it's like a one time don't worry about it after thing or based on time/quantity, that could also effect diagnostic questions regarding causes of anemia.
tl;dr: While the waste spells certainly provide convenience and protection against disease, I wonder if it has an impact on frequency and speed of diagnosing non-communicable health issues in both humans and animals (and the other races??)
((Also, I'm a little behind on s-d reading. Tragically right now the more I want to read a book, the more I put it off?))