Oct 19, 2010 09:33
I remember it…
That day staring down at my latest failure, something inside just broke. Maybe a lock or a cage door - something was set free and like a cool wave it washed over me and i knew it. Wait, maybe i didn't set anything free… maybe it was always there and just waited until the opportune time.
Doesn't matter.
I was suddenly a little girl in the middle of a bleak landscape. All reds and blacks. I was a little girl in hell and only the Devil cared. I remember, saying her name for the first time, though it felt like we were old friends. Maybe that's why i'm sure she was always there.
Doesn't matter.
She wrapped me in her arms. I felt afraid like i was about to die but i knew i couldn't or rather i had lost the privilege to call those shots. I also felt relief and calm. It's impossible to describe being that wound tight and relaxed at the same time. Maybe that's the essence of being crazy.
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