Jan 06, 2006 02:06
Yep, I'm actually updating. The past couple of weeks have been pretty good. I've been working and hanging out with people that I don't get to see too often like Stefanie, Fai and Thweny. I got some nice stuff for Christmas including my awesome digital camera (thank you honey!!) and I got Alex a guitar and a Fossil watch. He wa so excited when he got the guitar and he plays it all the time.
Lets see...nothing much really happened after Christmas except that it was super busy at Pier 1 and I was getting so pissed off at customers. I'm so glad that the holiday rush is over cause I realized throughout it how much I hate the holiday season and Christmas music.
As for New Year's, Alex and I spent it pretty quietly. We didn't want to go to a party or anything so we just spent it together. I realized that the past couple New Year's have really sucked ass and I decided that I didn't want to do anything that was over the top.
On New Year's Day, Alex and I went to Niko's birthday party and we had to spend it with the family. It was pretty decent though. I can't really complain. One thing that we do have to do, though, is take Niko and Gino to Cedar Point in May cause Alex promised Gino that a Cedar Point day trip would be his birthday present. I'm happy though...I know they can both ride most of the coasters and they're not afraid of the rides, so we should have a pretty fun time.
What else...? Oh yeah!! I applied to the University of Phoenix and I'm going to start going to school there. I had an appointment today with a counselor, who was really nice and helpful. She was so helpful that she went as far as scheduling my classes ahead of time in case I decided to go there. She also told me that if things go right, I can graduate in 2 years with a Bachelor in Science in Business Management and if I wanted to, to go just one more year and get an MBA in Business Management. That makes me feel good about myself.
Let me explain how this whole program works. The University of Phoenix is an accelerated program. Basically, I'm going to be taking one class at a time for five weeks. The class meets one day a week and there are hardly any tests, mainly projects and papers. After the five weeks are done with that one class, you start your next class the following week. It's the same thing over and over again, until you finish and get a degree.
My first class starts on the 31st and goes until February 28. I'm actually excited because I feel as if I'm going to finish school at a somewhat decent time and not feel like a loser who hasn't done much at all and I feel like I haven't accomplished a lot in my life. I look at people like Stefanie and Fai who have both finished college and they both have degrees, and I look at myself and think, what have I done except change my major a million times? Oh well...the end might be in sight.
Okay, I think I'm just going to leave it at that. Wish me good luck with everything and maybe I'll update again soon!