(no subject)

Jan 01, 2009 11:14


This is the particular URL I found on Google. I don't know if the rest of the site is like this but I'm betting it is.

I don't want to be the curmudgeon that claims that 800x600 is all the resolution he needs to use his computer. Design restrictions based on the intended display device are generally a bad thing, and designing for the lowest common denominator is a counterproductive habit. It is good when the restrictions of computers from eight years ago don't prevent the forward march of technology. I cannot, however, see ANY reason why I can't use this website on my laptop which only supports 1024x768. I haven't met an application yet that won't operate at this resolution, and I've used Photoshop, Illustrator, the C# IDE and 3D modeling packages on this system. That means you can squeeze a LOT of information into this much resolution, but this website has crammed the page payload into a tiny newspaper-column lookalike in the center of the page, bracketed by ads nobody is interested in which makes it impossible to view on my machine despite the data here being easily viewable even at 640x480. There is just no excuse for design like this. While I wouldn't ask that the designers of this website carefully massage their template to fit on a 1024x768 display, if they were designing their site properly it would work effortlessly on a PDA-sized display.

Don't get me started on websites that occupy a tiny, fixed-width column down the center of the screen when viewed at HIGHER resolutions than they're designed for. Ugh.
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