Horrors of Coding Tips Websites

Apr 17, 2007 06:22

This site is an excellent example of "just because you can doesn't mean you should". Lots of things in here from the GUI Hall of Shame.

"Blinking text is great way to call attention to something on the screen. It's easy to implement blinking text using Visual Basic's Timer control. This example shows you how to make a Label control blink, but the same approach could be used for other controls as well."

So how many commercially developed apps have you seen that have blinking controls?

"If you need to create CGI applications, Visual Basic can be very useful. One of the reasons that PERL is so popular for CGI programming is its robust text handling capabilities, and we all know that it is hard to beat Visual Basic when it comes to text!"

He compared Visual Basic 6 to Perl, there. Now, I will be honest. My Perl experience is limited to hacking Newspro at the age of thirteen. But Perl is a language built from the ground up for the express purpose of manipulating text, a language accepted as the standard for string processing, whereas VB6 doesn't even have an equivalent to explode(), as far as I can tell. I suspect there are differences.
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