Jul 20, 2010 13:57
So in June Sean and I decided it would be a good idea for both of us to job hunt.
the plan was...
I was going to work temporarily to get us through the summer and so that we can pad our bank account. I would only be working until October. Why? Well because by that time we'll have our loan refunds...we'd still have Sean's unemployment OR Sean will be working full time. The other reason is because I know myself well enough to know that my grades will suffer. School is my job. Period. I can suffer through the first 6 weeks.
So I have found a job (actually 2).
I got hired by HSN to work in their hybrid customer service department. The work is pretty mindless but the hours suck fat monkey balls...and so do my days off.
I also got hired by an electronic components company to work for the Pres. of the company. This job has great hours, great days off and a casual working environment.
Alas, though I was hired at the components company, there's this annoying fucking delay in my start date!! Motherfucker!
So Monday I start working at HSN. My training will last 8 weeks and my training schedule will be Mon-Fri 2pm-10:30pm....YUCK! Once training is over, my schedule will become 3:30pm-Midnight with Tuesday and Wednesday off...Uber YUCK.