Nov 17, 2009 16:13
This was by far the most surreal FPG I've ever been too. Not because it wasn't fun, not because there were many problems, but rather because I wasn't on-duty LOL.
Because of the handfasting and the main ritual, I was not assigned any coordinator shifts and I was expected to stay as far away from registration as possible LOL.
My first thanks goes to John who really stepped up and took a lot of responsibility onto his shoulders his first time as a lugal!! You are amazing!
I missed being a part of the hustle and bustle of being there during the set up and tear down. Granted, I was extremely busy with handfasting and ritual stuff, not to mention the gads of paperwork that still needed to be done.
Next thanks go to Sean for his patience and to the Orlando Family for all they did for me over the weekend including helping to unload the truck and to them and all the staff people for all the help with the handfasting. You showed and reminded me of the true nature of Family!
However, it was nice to see my role at FPG from an outsider's perspective and it was nice to see where I can not only make things better for myself but better for staff and guests.
Beltaine is going to be a lot more fun now that I have had this festival off and because, once again, the spiritual entity that is FPG has purged itself of more negativity and negative influences.
One fun thing I did get to do was add to my Best Rumors About FPG List..such as...
The forestry service wants to kick us out.....LOL no they don't! As a matter of fact they applauded us for our bravery and our quick thinking during the completely accidental grass fire that happened.
or that Beltaine isn't going to happen because we've lost our contract. ...Ok this one is hilarious!!!...we haven't lost our contract. Contracts have ending dates, that basically means that they can be renegotiated...aka possibly a lower rental cost for us.
And my personal favorite...that Roger retired and that Bob is leaving the country because of something to do with FPG......BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Roger retired because he's approaching 70 years old. He's still an active member of the festival as our Spiritual Advisor and as the Guru of Main Rit. Do people HONESTLY think that the man who created this event would just up and abandon it?
As for Bob...he's still on the BOD and if that's not enough, he's leaving the country to do research for a book he wants to write.
Oh well, people (pagan or not) love drama I guess...
But, for me, FPG is still wonderful, even after all these years. I've been happy to see it grow and change and I have a very strong feeling that Beltaine '10 will be one of my favorites!!