Feb 02, 2009 21:01
Just a note for my future refrence:
- Friday: we walked down to the video store and picked up Man on Wire. Watched it with Jeri (all sitting in front of E's computer, where we watch videos ...)
- Saturday we skied, early morning, at Big Creek for about an hour and a half, before the big warm-up (the day got to ~45 F). Tom was grooming the trail as we skied. I learned that this is 100% his voluntary effort: he bought the snowmobile and groomer himself, and he buys the gas, and runs the machine. I gave him a $20, and plan to do that again when we see him. The skiing was so beautiful that we decided to register for the Vasaloppett on the 8th.
- Saturday evening, I drove over to the YMCA cabin, to see if the ski club party was still going. Drove down the hill to the alternate parking lot, got stuck. Idiot. Required graveling of the ice, and half an hour of pushing and back-and-forthing.
- Sunday: local-food potluck at the Fellowship. We made a creamed green bean soup from our frozen beans. Turned out better than expected (i.e. was really pretty good). Beans, cream, onions, garlic, bouillon, blended to a puree.
- I've been working hard on analyses for the genome paper, and on synteny analyses for the browser, and on ways to display haplotype data (Thursday and Friday: a new function for determining correlation between markers). Need to get back to the Chamaecrista summary. Tonight: read the iPTOL proposal.
- Laid off last week: Juliette (Portland), Sarah (Minneapolis). Myron escapes 500-person layoff in Target management. The recession is feeling close to home.
- Meanwhile: as things go along pleasantly, I see signs of most everything gradually unravelling. Reports of the potential for near-permanent vast ocean dead zones. Isn't someone supposed to DO something? Aren't *I*?