
Apr 23, 2007 00:04

I posted these in a coffee pictures community...thought there might be some coffee aficionados here, too.

14 icons )

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Comments 12

feral_sherryl April 23 2007, 04:36:19 UTC
What?! No lattes? I'm upset now...

I do love th iconage though. Coffee, along with chocolate, is the food of champions! *nods*

I think I'll nab #4 as that's what I'm known as. In fact, I'm having sipping on a tall latte as I type this...

MmmmMmmmh.... coffee.....


atfm April 23 2007, 06:18:06 UTC
I shall take care of that blatant oversight on my part.

I'm not much of a coffee drinker but I agree on chocolate. ;)

Sure, go ahead. I always laugh at people who don't function without coffee. ;)


feral_sherryl April 23 2007, 13:50:24 UTC
LOL, I've just re-read what I wrote this morning. I guess the coffee hadn't kicked in as I was typing it! I was at uni and supposed to be paying attention to someone's presentation... Ah well!

No coffee?! **shocked** I officially withdraw my friend status! :p

Yeah, I'm really picky about my coffee too. So feel free to laugh at my addictiveness. (is that even a word? I'm slightly drunk if it's not a word, then I declare it as a word officially!)
But yeah, I have to have proper coffee. I can't handle that instant crap. It's ick! Freshly brewed with freshly ground coffee beans is the only way to go.


atfm April 23 2007, 17:15:27 UTC
Hmm, yeah, too many verbs there. Presentations can be so boring, urgh.

*huffs* Suit yourself. :p

I didn't think it was but it IS a word. Even seems like the appropriate word, too. ;)
Well, if I do have coffee, it has to be proper coffee, too. At the house where I work I had to familiarise myself with the coffemaker, so I tried making a cup of coffee, succeeded and then poured it into the sink because I don't drink regular coffee, LOL.

Here's your icon. And no, you don't have to use it. I just felt like making one since you complained. :p

... )


chapel_cassidy April 23 2007, 06:02:49 UTC
Wait, there’s a WHOLE community for coffee pictures, that’s um...worrisome. Or maybe I’m just missing out on something since I’ve never drank the stuff before, who knows.

I really like the way number one looks though, nice work. If I was a coffee addict, I’d totally go for that one. ^_^


atfm April 23 2007, 06:23:59 UTC
Well, arty coffee pictures...I don't drink a lot of coffee myself but I like the smell of it, and,w ell, making icons of it.

Number 1 is one of my faves. :)


randriantastic April 25 2007, 12:30:45 UTC
Pretty pretty! :D the sleep-when-you're-dead one will go on my MSN. :)


atfm April 25 2007, 21:24:08 UTC
Thanks, and yay! :)


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