me so sleepy now~

Jul 29, 2010 00:09

writing in half asleep eyes.... *hoaaammm~~~*

Today is 7/28, Yamapi's One in a Million is released. Omedetou~~ I just downloaded all the song and it's pretty good. though still thinking loveless is better. I like My Dear and World is Yours. Yamapi has a potency to be a good composer ne~ ^^

Ah, I also just finished downloading tegomass no ai footage on SCP. Soooooo laaaatteeee~~ I knoooww!! (_-_)

I've been busy this week. I have to manage my trip to Japan (ticket, VISA, hotel, etc) and it's kinda frustrating @__@ I dont join a tour travel so I have to make it by myself. *hauuunngggg~~~
And things on campus also make me mad. I have to show up at my uni everyday this week. YOU GUYS REALLY RUIN MY HOLIDAY!!
Those things makes me out of LJ and fandom. As a result I missed many info and if I want to find a download link, I have to dig up my friend page deeper and deeper -_________-

anyway, I'm still in progress to find a new layout :3
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