Grocery Shopping

Jan 27, 2008 21:22

Location: Aternaville Grocery store
Time: About Noon
Characters: Hawkeye, Narcissa, anyone else.
Summary: Aternaville's newest 'odd couple' try and get food.

Hawkeye parked the car, the new shiny green car Narcissa had loaned him the Money for. Damn inflation had done a number on car prices over the past 50 years.

"So, food." He said to the blond sitting next to him somewhat fearfully. Unlike most men of his generation, he was unafraid of doing the daily tasks like cooking, and cleaning. Hell, when it had just been him and his dad for all those years he'd done it for both of them. It was that he was again confronting this new place and time.

narcissa malfoy, benjamin franklin "hawkeye" pierce

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