(no subject)

Sep 03, 2007 15:28

Location: Aternaville
Time: middle of the afternoon, today
Characters: Kaylee Frye and open to anyone who'd like to run into her :)
Public, Private, or Semi-Private: Public
Incomplete or Complete: Incomplete
Rating: PG, I'm sure
Summary: Kaylee has just arrived in Aternaville, and is not sure how or why.

Kaylee was used to odd happenings on Serenity- it had never really been anything like a normal ship- or a normal job, for that matter.  But still, when one moment she was in the Engine room and the next she was standing in the middle of a sidewalk, with a park on one side and a row of houses on the other, Kaylee was more than sure that this counted as more than just an odd happening.

"Simon?  Capt'n?  Zoe?" She called out, looking around her.  "River?  'Nara?  Jayne?  ANYBODY?"

But there was nobody from the ship present, and Kaylee glanced around, trying to take in her surroundings and figure out exactly how she had gotten here in the first place.

She'd been in her bunk, gathering a few last things into her knapsack.  They were due to land on Lilac soon, (River having worked out some previously-unknown shortcut from Greenleaf) and were planning on staying planet-side for a few days.  She'd just settled her knapsack on her back and grabbed her parasol when River's voice had come over the comm, calling for Kaylee to get to the Engine room, and fast.  Apparently the new 'shortcut' was cutting a bit too close to a patch of space that was doing strange things to Serenity's controls.  So Kaylee hurried up her ladder, parasol still in hand, and ran to the Engine room.  She'd just stepped through the door, was going to set the parasol down on her hammock....

And then, she was here.  Without any explanation of 'how', or even where 'here' was.  It certainly didn't look like any settlement on any planet she'd ever been to- no ships in the sky, for one, and a lot more paved streets.  The parasol was still in her hand, and Kaylee quickly reached behind her back- yes, her knapsack was still settled there.  Well, that was good at least- she'd been packing for a few days off-ship, after all, so at least she had some money and a few days' worth of clothing.

Sighing, Kaylee started walking down the street toward what looked to be the center of town- she needed to figure out where she was, after all, and find out if there was any way to get her back to Serenity.  

lulu spencer, kaylee frye

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