Professional plays a Game

Jun 19, 2007 09:53

Location: Arcade
Characters: Reno and open~!
Public, Private, or Semi-Private: Public. Oh, yes, please.
Incomplete or Complete:
Rating: PG, probably~
Summary: Reno goes to the arcade for some quick entertainment :D

Reno strolled slowly down the street, a cup of some presumably fizzy drink in his hand - the generic name of a fast food company implied this was the case - a plastic straw poking out the top. He remembered when he was younger, the question of how, when the cups felt as if they were made of card, they held liquid inside them without much complaint, had always baffled him. The memory brought an odd smile to his face. Having quite successfully managed to eat his fill of junk food, he was now on his way to the arcade. It had been- No, in fact, he couldn't remember the last time he'd been to an arcade. He'd never been to a working one whilst he was a kid, and he was more than a little certain that whilst life was hectic on the job front, he had always been particularly disinclined to head into an arcade and play shoot-'em-ups, which would, he noted with a twinge of irritance, been the only games he would be good at. And the damn slot ones - an irritated sigh escaped his lips as the thought of them entered his head. Complete waste of time. Completely and utterly.

Entering the arcade, and promptly ignoring the sign about 'would customers kindly refrain from consuming food and drink on the premises' - he cast a cursory glance around, before noting that practically all of the games that would not require him shooting at a screen, required someone to play with. Which he currently lacked.

After exchanging some of his money for tokens, he stood a way back from a couple of the FPS games, debating which would be more fun. There was this... House of the Dead one, which sounded vaguely interesting, but the fucking weapon was a shotgun. They were damned heavy things, awkward, and if he were honest, he was no Rufus. Sure, he was a good shot, but if he could choose, a shotgun was not his preferred weapon. Instead, he opted for the game next to it. Some version of Time Crisis. The guns were pink, or blue. Lovely.

Slotting a few coins in, he picked up the gun, scanned the instructions for reloading and switching weapons, and started. It would be interesting, he decided, to see just how far he could get. He'd like to think that he'd successfully complete the game somewhat easily. Hopefully.


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