Mind showing me around town?

Jun 12, 2007 14:47

Location: The park.
Characters: Sirius Black and Ziva David (and anyone else who might want to wander by)
Status: Semi-Public
Rating: PG
Summary: Sirius takes a walk. Ziva just arrived and is looking for someone to talk to.

Remus was working. Sirius was bored. )

ziva david, sirius black

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ziva_ncis June 12 2007, 20:03:00 UTC
Ziva was annoyed. She hadn't been given very clear instructions, just basically told “Get on a bus and go.” She didn’t like that. It made her feel like there was a lot going on that no one had told her about. Either that, or no one had any idea what was going on. Neither was a particularly pleasing scenario.

She had, however, done what she was told. She’d gotten on the bus. She’d ridden it all the way to Canada, which hadn’t been very much fun. The fact that the man next to her had talked for nearly the whole ride hadn’t helped matters. When the bus had finally let her off, she breathed a sigh of relief and began walking.

And walking.

It was about then that she realized maybe she should find somewhere to stay. Or someone to talk to. Or something. She looked around for some inspiration. The first person she saw was a man wandering through the park. She grinned and began walking toward him. This would be fun.


beenalongtime3 June 12 2007, 21:52:13 UTC
When Sirius noticed the woman approaching him out of the corner of his eye, he slowed his pace a little. He didn't recognize her, though that didn't mean much in the wizarding world, and he immediately ran through a list of possibilities. Bellatrix. Tonks. A Ministry official. One of Harry's friends grown up. A fan of those stupid books?

Or, just maybe, someone completely innocent. She does have a suitcase with her.

Sirius stopped as she came closer, turning towards her, tense. He concealed his suspicion with a smile. "Can I help you?"


ziva_ncis June 13 2007, 01:30:35 UTC
"Actually, yes." Ziva tried to look pleasant. So far this was all working out well. He would show her around; she would find some place to stay... And she'd figure out the rest later. "I'm Ziva. David." She stuck her hand out for him to shake and tried smiling. She wondered if she should turn up the charm factor. If her position was reversed with Tony, he would definitely-- She forced herself quickly away from that line of thought.


beenalongtime3 June 13 2007, 01:41:13 UTC
Sirius shook her hand. Might as well. "Sirius Black." He glanced at the suitcase in her hand. He almost asked if she was new in town, but decided against it. It was possible that she had just had problems at home and left, and the last thing he needed was to make some woman cry. "Nice to meet you."


ziva_ncis June 13 2007, 01:44:57 UTC
"You, too." She watched as his eyes looked at her suitcase. "I just got in on the bus." That didn't sound too strange. She looked around, then back at him. "If it's not too much of a bother, I am wondering if you know of somewhere that rents rooms." Direct and to the point. She probably sounded like an idiot.


beenalongtime3 June 13 2007, 01:54:34 UTC
"Oh. Sure. I rent a flat on a street right over there-" he pointed in the general direction of his building. "I know they have a couple empty rooms. I can walk you there, if you'd like." I'd offer to let you stay on our couch until you find a place, but you'll probably think I'm coming on to you. Well, until you meet Remus, not like that would probably make you more comfortable.


ziva_ncis June 13 2007, 01:57:04 UTC
"Thank you." She tried another smile. "So...what are you doing in Canada? I noticed you have a British accent." Great. So now she was pointing out somewhat random facts about people. It was a valid question, though, and she did want to know the answer. This was just a very up-front way to go about getting one.


beenalongtime3 June 13 2007, 02:00:47 UTC
Sirius began walking slowly, his hands in his pockets. "I, uh, got into some trouble over there. It was a mess. A really, really big one. First chance I got, I bought a cheap plane ticket and ended up here." Don't do it. Don't do it. "I don't suppose you read the Harry Potter books, do you?" Shameless. Let's hope that, if she does, she at least finished the third one.


ziva_ncis June 13 2007, 02:06:30 UTC
"Oh." Best not to go digging around through all that. Yet. Besides, she had some issues herself "over there." She thought a minute about how to respond to his next question. "...Harry Potter? They made movies of those, yes?" Which brought her back to Tony again. Great.


beenalongtime3 June 13 2007, 02:09:57 UTC
Even if she hasn't read them, I now have to explain a bit more. Sirius sighed. "Yeah, they did." He wished that he cared enough to lie about his past, but it all seemed like too much of an effort. He had been lying about it for so long. "I swear it's relevant."


ziva_ncis June 13 2007, 02:14:01 UTC
This was slightly strange. "I have a friend who could tell you everything you wanted to know about those movies." She ignored what she was saying and thought about his previous comments. And then his name. And then it clicked. "Doesn't one of the characters have your name?" Or vice versa. Now it did sound strange.


beenalongtime3 June 13 2007, 03:09:46 UTC
He looked at her and smiled slightly. Now the trick was to make her believe he wasn't just a crazy fan. "Yes. Sirius Black, Harry's wrongly-imprisoned ex-convict godfather, back from the dead and at your service." He paused to give her time to digest what he had said, then continued. "The books weren't fiction, just some woman's attempt to get rich by writing up a sensational, true story that muggles - sorry, non-wizarding people - hadn't heard." He ran a hand through his hair. "Believe me?"


ziva_ncis June 15 2007, 11:34:34 UTC
She blinked. Thought about what he'd said. Blinked again. "So...you are a wizard?" She didn't believe him. Not really. In fact, it just sounded like he was crazy. However, he had seemed pretty normal up until the whole wizard thing. That and claiming to be a book character. Either way, the answer to her question would most likely tell her whether or not he was crazy.


beenalongtime3 June 15 2007, 13:32:19 UTC
I didn't think you would. Don't blame you. "Yes," he answered as he pulled his wand from the back pocket of his jeans. With a muttered spell, he illuminated the broken street light that they were approaching. "What else would you like to see? I won't do death, pain, or transportation, but, apart from that, it's your pick."


ziva_ncis June 15 2007, 14:14:52 UTC
Death, pain, and transportation. Of the three, two were her specialties. It was almost ironic. She also had to admit that the street light trick was pretty handy. It could also be complete coincidence. She pursed her lips, thinking. "Can you read my mind?" If he could, that would certainly make things interesting.


beenalongtime3 June 15 2007, 15:06:07 UTC
"I should've added that to the list. Some wizards can read minds, but it takes a lot of skill and it's on the verge of Dark Arts, a branch of magic I try to avoid. I have a, er, acquaintance that could, but I won't subject you to his idea of company." Sirius pointed his wand at her suitcase, said the spell, and lifted it to float out of her gasp. "Even if we just stick to parlor tricks, I'm sure I can convince you."


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