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Jun 11, 2007 15:23

Location: The Bookstore
Characters: Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, and anyone else who wanders through
Status: Semi-Public
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry's bored with sitting around his flat so he takes a walk and searches for a job.

The heat wasn't oppressive, and Harry was glad. He'd been sitting bored in his and Severus' flat for far too long. While the random bursts of company and general weirdness kept him occupied part of the time, there were days, like now, when he missed having something to do. Something solid and worthwhile.

Tinkering with potions, while occaisionally rewarding, especially when he stumbled upon a way to strengthen the Pepperup potion and twisting it into a combatant against allergies was in itself a rewarding thing. A thing he'd have to share with Severus when he got a chance. But still, he was bored. He had no job and no way of supporting himself financially without owling Gringotts and that flight was too long for any bird, and while he trusted Bart to send it, he didn't trust the goblins to believe the words of his friend.

This line of thinking is what got him out of the house. He paused in front of the bookshop and glanced at the window display and wrinkled his nose in horror. He rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses before reading the display again.

Book Seven?!

He knew that his life had been written in book form, and hadn't just been acted out on screen, but this poster made this sound like some huge event. It was his 7th bloody year of school. He shivered. That was not something he wanted printed.

A cold feeling of dread crept up into his stomach, making it churn unpleasantly. He wondered if Severus knew about this. Or Remus or Sirius. Draco'd live it up if he saw this display.

Pulling on the handle of the door, the light tinkle of the bell alerted his presence in the store. The air conditioning was low and raised a few goosebumps up his arm as he moved to stand in front of the piles of books pushed up beneath the window display.

He sat down hard on the floor and pulled the middle book, the blue one towards him and read the spine. Year 5. Harry shivered and flipped it open, reading the inserted flap.

remus lupin, harry potter, sirius black

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