“I am in a story. Hurrah, I am in a story, Nibs.” [Complete]

Jan 04, 2007 04:14

Location: Everywhere! All over Aternaville! But starts out in John's bathroom. Nekkid. *grins*
Time: I suppose it begins on Thursday, the 4th of January, the 5th being John's 40th. The scene below takes place first thing in the morning, about 8am (so I don't know why Rodney's so chipper), and then the thread will move from there
Characters: ( Read more... )

ianto jones, remus lupin, the doctor, rupert eustace psmith, bart allen, severus snape, john sheppard, rose tyler, lulu spencer, philip marlowe, peter caine, harry potter, simon tam, sirius black, completed, rodney mckay, river tam, xander harris

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tehdoctor January 6 2007, 03:45:55 UTC
For a moment, the Doctor just stared at the child in the mirror, trying to figure out just how they'd gotten into the TARDIS. It was only when he reached forward to poke them that he realized that it was, in fact, still a mirror. And unless the child was very good at mimicking the Doctor's movements, it was still just a normal mirror. He frowned, leaning closer, staring into the brown eyes that stared back. He ran a small hand through the disheveled brown mop atop his head, and his eyes widened.

Taking a surprised step back, he stared with wide eyes at the mirror, where a child version of his current self stared back. What was happened? How had whatever happened, happened? He was a child. A child of his current form, at that. He was over 900 bloody years old, and he looked like he was all of eight in human years.

He was still trying to figure out what was going on when he heard a shout from within the TARDIS; another's child's voice. At first he thought someone had snuck on board, then it hit him. "Rose!" he called back, awkwardly making his way to the door. It seemed that he was still quite lanky, even in this aged body.


teh_bad_wolf January 6 2007, 04:11:54 UTC
The corridors of the TARDIS seemed even more vast and confusing to someone accoustomed to being an average sized adult. Now it all seemed endless and more than a bit scary.


She nearly stopped dead in her tracks, actually stumbling when she heard the shouted reply. She turned a corner to find a child sprinting towards her. This time, she did stop, her hand coming to her mouth as she held in a laugh that was bound to turn hysterical should she let it out. It was the Doctor sure enough, right down to the little suit and coat.

"Oh, this is just brilliant," she said, her eyes taking in his current form. "Please tell me you know what happened and how to fix it."


tehdoctor January 6 2007, 04:26:42 UTC
The TARDIS, even though the Doctor was in child form, seemed to recognize him. Therefore, she allowed him to find Rose in a rather short amount of time. He caught sight of Rose, albiet a bit smaller in size than he was used to, and rushed over to her. He caught the laugh that she was fighting back, but could also see a bit of the concern that also haunted her eyes. So, in typical Doctor manner, he downplayed the situation.

Shoving his little hands into his little pockets, he gave her a little smirk. "Well now. This is something interesting, isn't it?" Then he made a face and scratched the back of his head, an odd sight it must have been. A miniature version of the Doctor mimicking his larger self's actions. "And I'm afraid I'm not certain what's happened. But," he said, practically bouncing, "we'll figure it out! We always do! At least you've still got a face and I'm not in a drawing."


teh_bad_wolf January 6 2007, 04:55:02 UTC
Rose looked down at herself and blushed a little, realizing she didn't have any pants on. She tugged her shirt down nervously. "I am not going through puberty again," she groused, feeling awkward. Then she frowned, "How come your clothes fit? I'm drowning in this top."


tehdoctor January 6 2007, 05:08:18 UTC
The Doctor, out of habit, followed Rose's gaze, and immediately turned red for it. He lifted his eyes back up, his hand again going to the back of his head. He forced a smile, which was followed by a real smile at her next comment. He looked down at the suit, complete with child sized runners. "Oh, not the same thing." He jerked a thumb towards the way he had come. "I've got like a while wardrobe back there."


teh_bad_wolf January 6 2007, 05:24:26 UTC
Rose grinned widely at his blush. It was so odd, seeing the man in the boy standing before her. The same abashed looks, the same mannerisms. It was downright adorable. "Think there's something to fit me? Can't go runnin' about like this," she said, holding out a foot and wiggling her bare toes, smiling.

She should be more panicked about their current situation, but she couldn't seem to manage it. Like the Doctor said, she wasn't stuck in a telly or anything, so it wasn't like they were any worse off then they'd been in the past!


tehdoctor January 6 2007, 05:30:34 UTC
Again the Doctor's hands went into his pockets as he listened to Rose. Seeing a child-Rose was a rather interesting sight. Of course, he could always have traveled back in time by himself and popped in for a quick watch. But that would have felt very weird, even to him.

He smiled softly, nodding. "Oh, I'm quite certain there is something for you. It had something for me!" he said, still not used to his new voice. Not that he had that deep of a voice in normal form.


teh_bad_wolf January 6 2007, 05:46:05 UTC
Rose tucked her little hand into the crook of the Doctor's elbow. "Lead on then," she said. It all felt so famliar, yet so very odd. How the man can could look ten years old and still radiate ultimate confidence, she didn't know, but she was glad of it.


tehdoctor January 6 2007, 05:51:41 UTC
He smiled widely (an odd expression on his adolescent face) when she took his arm. Pointing ahead with a bit of exaggeration, he started walking back towards the wardrobe room, hoping the TARDIS was going to continue being as kind as she had been. "Onward!"

Luckily, the TARDIS didn't seem to want to have them end up in rooms that even the Doctor didn't know existed, so finding the proper room wasn't a problem at all. The only problem was that the door seemed to be a bit bigger than before, so getting it open took more than just a quick push. It took quite a bit of the Doctor's childlike strength to get it open, which embarassed him. He let Rose go in, then gestured up to the rows and rows and stories and stories of different clothing. "Hopefully something in here will suit your fancy."


teh_bad_wolf January 6 2007, 06:16:56 UTC
Rose tried not to giggle as the Doctor faught with the door. When he finally managed to get it open, Rose stepped inside. "The clothes all shrunk," she said, amazed. "But the TARDIS, it's still the same, yeah?" she said, noting that the room hadn't shrunk at all.


tehdoctor January 6 2007, 06:24:26 UTC
The Doctor looked around at the massive variety of clothing. He scrunched up his face, climbing up a ladder to sift through a row of clothes. After a few more sifts, he stepped back, crossing his arms with a curious expression on his face. Of course, in his current form, this probably looked either quite ridiculous or quite cute. "The TARDIS is still the same size," he said, nodding towards the adult sized ladder, door, and random furnitures. "But I suppose that the old girl knows what size I am. She's never failed to find me new clothes before after a regeneration."


teh_bad_wolf January 6 2007, 06:52:17 UTC
"Give us a hand then," Rose said, nodding towards the ladder. Together they pushed it over to a rack full of various pants. She climbed up the ladder slowly, grateful to have the Doctor at the bottom holding it steay. It seemed a lot further off the ground when one was a might bit smaller. She sifted through the rack, pulling a pair of faded blue jeans from a hanger. "These'll do," she said. "Comin' down."

She was glad to see that the Doctor was looking anywhere but up on the ladder, seeing as she only had on her knickers. She dropped the pants to the floor and soon joined them. The Doctor turned his back as she pulled on the jeans. They were a bit long, so she rolled back the cuff a bit. She grabbed the excess fabric of her shirt and tied it in a knot at her waist.

"Now what?" she asked.


tehdoctor January 6 2007, 19:52:11 UTC
It was very strange. Everything the Doctor did was foreign, yet familiar. The feeling of Rose's hand in his. It was all wrong, yet it was still right. It was baffling, and the Doctor was not normally baffled. The blasted ladder they had to use was far too heavy, and for a moment, the Doctor cursed the TARDIS for providing such a ladder. But then he remembered that it was the old ship's fault, and silently apologized. Wouldn't do well to have the TARDIS upset with him.

While Rose was picking out a pair of pants from the rows, he was looking around the massive room, trying to figure out if anything had shrunk in accordance to their current size. Nothing seemed to, which made sense. They'd been turned into children. The world hadn't shrunk. It seemed quite the opposite, really. It was all pretty big. Yet it was exciting to the Doctor. To see this mundane world with new eyes! Child eyes! It was brilliant!

He was beaming when Rose had settled her clothing, and he turned to her at her question. The mad smile still on his little face, he gave her a shrug. "I haven't a clue! We should probably skip out and see if anyone else was affected."


teh_bad_wolf January 7 2007, 01:53:18 UTC
Rose held out her hand, matching the Doctor's grin as he took it, holding it tight. "You know, if we get stuck like this, we're in big trouble," she said, giving voice to the kernal of fear she was trying desperately to squash. Just another mad day with the Doctor, always turns out alright in the end. At least that's what she kept telling herself. "Be stuck riding bicycles everywhere. And I'm thinkin' you won't be able to reach all the levers and peddles to get outta here," she added. He was still tall, slim and lanky, but she couldn't imagine him standing at the console of the TARDIS. Then again, knowing the TARDIS, she'd probably shrink her controls up just to suit him! "Might have to start calling you a Time Lad," she teased.

A thought suddenly struck her. "Oi! Jack! We've got to find Jack, see if he's alright!" she said, coming to a dead stop. Her eyes went wide and she began to giggle. "Can't ya just picture it, a little version of Jack, hitting on every man, woman and attractive alien in sight!" she said, picturing a little Jack, chatting up some gorgeous woman and her just as gorgeous boyfriend.

((ooc: I'm off for the night, but if you want to get them out among the populace, go for it. God mod Rose as needed :) ))


tehdoctor January 8 2007, 00:13:40 UTC
The Doctor took a moment to ponder Rose's statement. "This is a very interesting predicament, isn't it? I mean, for a human to be turned into a child, well, that is - no pun intended - child's play for some. It's so very easy to do what with your simple little body chemistry and genetic code." He scratched the back of his head. "But to turn me, a Time Lord, into child form, that is quite interesting. And, matter of fact, this isn't what I looked like when I was young!"

He was rambling again, but that was nothing new. It seemed that his mind and personality weren't affected by his sudden height infliction. He did give a little childish giggle at Rose's statement about bicycles and the TARDIS. "Time Lad, eh? What does that make you? My little companion lass? Eh, I think of something to call you later," he said waving it off with his hand. He grasped Rose's hand then and pulled her out of the room, heading down the hall which led them to the console. He contemplated a moment whether he should try doing some sort of scan to see if something was going on that the TARDIS could pick up. But he did realize then that he couldn't see the monitors, and he didn't have a stool to stand on.

He stopped when Rose did, a tiny smirk when she mentioned Jack. "Oh, I'll bet he was a charming little bugger. Probably always got his way. Where is he, anyway?"


teh_bad_wolf January 8 2007, 01:00:52 UTC
"You giggled," Rose said, poking him in the side and giggling herself. She couldn't help it. It's was almost unbearably cute to watch and listen to him sound so normal, but be so...small!

"I dunno know if he even slept here last night," Rose said, looking around the console room. "Blimey, it looks huge in here!" she said, releasing his hand and spinning in a circle. She bounced on the balls of her feet for a moment, seizing his hand once again. "I suppose we could go see if he's at the Colonel's house."


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