Lorelei Gilmore Arrives

Sep 10, 2006 21:28

Location: C street outside the coffee cafe
Time: mid afternoon
Characters: Lorelei Gilmore and Paul Anka, her dog, Oz
Public, Private, or Semi-Private: Public (stop by and say hello)
Incomplete or Complete: Complete
Rating: G (possibly PG)
Summary: Lorelei Gilmore has arrived in Aternaville along with her dog, Paul Anka. She knows no one so come say hi!

“If you’re here to pick up a child, I’ll need the gate number. You can go there and pick him up. He’ll be with one of our attendants,” the woman in the airline uniform told her.

“No…look…” Lorelei glanced at the woman’s name tag, “Patricia, I’m not here to pick up a child. My daughter is still in Stars Hollow. I’m here to pick up Paul Anka, my dog. He was in the cargo hold of the plane I just came in on. He’s never flown before, or been in a crate. He’ll be emotionally scarred. The sooner I get him out the better. Does Aternaville have a doggy shrink? He might need it.”

Patricia blinked at her.

“You do speak English, right. Because Michel tried to teach me some French and all I got out of it were the swear words. I really don’t want to swear at you, in French or English but I need to get Paul Anka right now.”

“If you’ll give me the ticket stub they gave you when you checked the dog,” Patricia said.

It took several moments of rummaging through her backpack but Lorelei produced the stub. “He’s not a dog…well he is a dog but he’s a very different sort of dog. He’s a bearded collie but he’s more like a person then a dog.”

“I’m sure he’s fine. We’re very experienced at shipping animals,” Patricia said as she hit some keys on her computer. “I’m sorry, the baggage for this flight hasn’t unloaded yet. I’m sure it’s on its way.”

“He’s already been in that crate for over eight hours. He’s probably got to go to the restroom. Have you ever tried holding it for eight hours? Maybe we could just expedite the unloading, get him off right now and the bags later. I don’t mind waiting for my luggage but Paul Anka needs to come off right now,” Lorelei said, trying to be her most reasonable.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Gilmore, but baggage is unloaded in the order of arrival. We had several planes arrive at the same time as yours and baggage is a bit overwhelmed at the moment.”

“Yes, I remember the holding patterns,” Lorelei said trying not to snark. “Okay, I understand you can’t do anything, Patricia. Perhaps you could get your manager here to speak with me.”

Patricia disappeared and a few moments later, she came back with a man in a navy blue blazer. His name tag said Andrew.

“Is there a problem Ms. Gilmore?” Andrew asked.

“Yes, yes there is, Andrew. Paul Anka is in baggage and I’m certain he’d like to get out,” Lorelei answered, trying for her best charming smile.

“The singer?” Andrew asked, eyebrows raising with uncertainty.

“Oh good you know who he is! Personally, puppy love is my favorite but I know Put Your Head On My Shoulder, is a popular one. But no, Paul Anka is my dog. He’s been in a crate for 8.25 hours now and he’d like to get out. I was hoping you could circumvent the backup, get Paul Anka out of the cargo hold and bring him to me,” Lorelei rambled.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Gilmore. I can’t do that,” Andrew answered.

“Okay, well see, here’s the deal. I’ve got a leash in my back pack and I know the number of the plane he’s on. There’s a door out to the airstrip right down that hall. Either you go get him, or I will.”

Proof that acting like an insane lady will get you what you want. Ten minutes later, Lorelei had Paul Anka’s leash in hand and his crate on a luggage cart by her side, her favorite pair of Jimmy Choo heels still inside, well cleaned by Paul Anka’s tongue but without any sign of teeth marks.

“So…what do you think of Canada, Paul Anka? It’s growing on me.”

A taxi pulled up and helped Lorelei get her many bags into the car along with Paul Anka.

"Where to, Miss?" he asked.

"25 Candlestick Maker Street. I'm renting a house there," Lorelei told the taxi driver. She watched out the window and scratched Paul Anka's ears as the cab drove through the small town. The house she'd rented was a small two bedroom (for when Rory came to visit) that the landlord had promised she could paint as she saw fit. Lorelei got her bags stored but not unpacked and decided Paul Anka could use a walk.

Not surprisingly they ended up in front of the coffee shop. Lorelei tied Paul Anka to the bike rack, bought a large coffee, black and returned to sit outside, drink her coffee and take in the sights with her dog.

archived, lorelai gilmore, danial osbourne

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