(no subject)

Nov 16, 2008 03:41

Who: Lily Potter and Marion Ravenwood
What: Lily needs distraction.
Where: The bar
When: Saturday evening
Rating: To be determined?
Status: Incomplete and completely open

Lily needed to stop thinking.  That was her problem really.  All she did, all the time was think.  Think about how she felt about Harry and Severus.  Think about how much she missed James.  Think about why exactly did she end up here at this point in time.

Thinking was all well and good, but sometimes people needed a break from thinking.  And as she couldn't stop herself thinking on her own, she ended up in the bar.  Walking in, she vaguely wished it were a wizarding bar.  Firewhisky right now would be brilliant.  As it was, she stopped at the bar itself, sitting down on a stool, green eyes bright as she asked for a drink.  Merlin, did she need a drink.

marion ravenwood, lily potter, *status-complete

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