(no subject)

Nov 14, 2008 09:47

Who: Barney and River
What: Barney finds laser tag. And a partner made of Win.
When: Thursday nite
Status: Rated BR for Barney/River. Complete.

This whole stranded in the city thing wasn't too bad for good ol' Barney. Not too bad at all! He went to the Halloween party, where both of his costumes seemed to be a hit. Even briefly fooled Owen into the Barney/Billy thing. Until, of course, Owen realised that Billy wouldn't have come to the party at all. Heh. But now, even in his pleased state, Barney was in need of something. Something awesome. And that Awesome was called Laser Tag. C'mon. This town had to have one! Roaming down the street, hoping that maybe the bowling alley also had a place, he was strolling with his hands in his coat. It was winter! Finally!

River found solace in following people. She trailed softly, unnoticed, picking out single memories and thoughts like tiny word-bubbles. At some point she stopped, waiting outside a noisy place with pins and needles and rolling explosions like thunder. There was a man approaching; she'd seen him before, she was sure, but the way he thought was different. Laughing, as he passed, River stretched out a mismatched gloved hand. "Copper for a kiss?"

Barney found the bowling alley, grinning at the score he found, and was ready to go in when some chick stopped him. First glance said that she was far too young. More of a radar than a look, really. But it was what she said that caught his attention. "You should be careful who you say that to." Brief moment of concern. Before he wondered if she was a coy prostitute. All the same, he dug in his pocket and found a penny. Hey. Maybe she just -looked- young..radar had been known to be wrong!

River frowned at the penny like it was foreign. She hadn't meant that. Tipping her head curiously to one side, she smiled and flicked the penny over Barney's shoulder. "Not quite." Her coat was too big for her but she held it tightly around her waist, observing his features tightly. "You have the same face as the bad doctor."

She tossed his penny away! Mmph. Disbelieving, he made a little sound and then looked back to the girl. "Not quite what? And bad doctor? There's.." Three? Three of them!

River shook her head, hair falling into her eyes before she pushed it away. "Not three." That number had been obvious, fresh in Barney's mind. "Two. But one of them is cut in half."

He didn't remember saying three out loud. But obviously did. How else would she have known what he was thinking? "Are you from Altrucell?" The company sometimes hired..interesting..people to deal with legal matters and stuff. "Wait. Cut in half?" This girl was slightly crazy.

"Not from anywhere." River smiled, biting at her lip and twisting in place, her feet making small dents in the soft earth beside the sidewalk. "He's two in one. Not like you." A giggle. "Man sure in himself in every move."

"Everyone's from somewhere." Barney scoffed a little. But he preened ever so slightly when she observed that he was self-assured. Of course he was self-assured! Two in one. Billy..who was his doppelganger..The one with the suit was obviously thinking about this. Maybe she wasn't so crazy. "Okay. You're not so crazy." Let it never be said that Barney didn't say what he was thinking! "Barney Stinson." He introduced himself, holding out his hand.

"And some from nowhere." River looked at his hand with disapproval. "But you're not from somewhere as important as you claim. Businessman with a list of conquests." She couldn't help but laugh again, a crazed and giddy hop following. Her nose had grown a bit red in the cold.

"You're a weird chick." And oddly hot for it. That damn hot/crazy ratio also went the other way. Sigh. A small scowl appeared on his face when she said he wasn't from somewhere important. "New York City is very important!" All the same, he did want to find that laser tag. "Do you know if there's laser tag area in here?"

"Importance fades in the light of five centuries." A gust of wind blew her hair into her face and River shuddered. "We should go in. The air is unpleasant."

"Five centuries from now, I might be forgotten." He agreed. Wasn't -that- full of hubris! "But I'll know in whatever afterlife that I shined a little brighter." Barney paused, then grinned boyishly. "Unless they can bring me back to life. That would be legendary!" Speaking of legendary. He opened the door for Crazy and ushered her in. "So Copper. Wanna be on my team and zap some ass?"

River slid inside, into the warmth of the lobby and the blast of furnace heat on her cheeks. Sniffling a bit, she shrugged her small shoulders out of the jacket and removed the unmatched gloves. "Play a game?" Barney would only be so lucky to have her on his side. She threw him a self-assured grin. "I'm unstoppable."

Rule number thirty of the Bro Code. Never underestimate a chick. And chicks could be wingmen. While Crazy Copper might be too young to wingman it (the radar was still making dull sounds) she at least would be good to play with. "I like that in a woman." Eyebrow waggle given. And with that, Barney was loping easily to find the laser tag. "I can keep calling you Copper, so long as you listen." Since she hadn't said her name.

So long as she listened. "So long as your answers are the correct ones." She scurried ahead at a quick gait, taking long, striding steps until they were both at the entrance to a black-lit hallway lined with children and fake laser pistols. River smiled brightly, rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet in shoes that were perpetually too large. "Found it first!"

He stared blankly after her. "..What?" Barney snorted. "Weirdo. All the chicks in this town are weirdos." Muttered to himself. But he was grinning anyway. And was moving quickly to catch up to her. "Wait! We don't even know--" Holy moly! How'd she do that! Laughing, Barney nodded. "This is awesome!" She must have lived here longer. Of course. So he was waiting in line with River and the kids. "We are so going to smoke them!" He was stoked!

River looked more curious than excited, but surrounded by giddiness, she was finding it difficult not to act like an emotional sponge. The empathic energy wasn't overwhelming, more like a pleasant, buzzing high. It took River seconds to find the right gun, though considerably longer to understand how to work the straps and buckles of her "armor."

Barney, likely, was adding to that buzziness. For all his suaveness, he was still like a kid when it came to certain things. One was Star Wars. Two was magic. Three...was laser tag. Not necessarily in that order. All suited up over his suit, he looked over to the new partner in crime, and smiled amusedly. "Alright there, Copper? Here." He moved to point out how to tighten or strap. Would have been -hotter- to help ...but there was game afoot! And she still looked young.

Strapped in, River fixed Barney with an intense stare as the countdown started, lights flashing and alarms blaring when the doors opened. "I'm going to win." She raised the pistol to tap at Barney's forehead. "Don't be slow." And the game was afoot, children running and seeking out places to hide as the charge counted down to laser time. River wasted no time as well, pulling Barney through the maze of neon and black hallways.

This girl was something else. He lifted his eyebrows. "I've found an expert. Finally someone to keep up with me." Hah! How wrong was he? The game going, he was moving this way and that. Though not on his own accord. Little Crazy was dragging his ass around! "You're sure this is a good place?" Barney had to question her tactics. But quietly, so not to give away their position already!

"Shh!" River pressed a silencing hand over his mouth, peeking over the low wall for a half-second before ducking again. There were faint flashes, there, of ten-year-olds thinking they were cleverly hidden. She closed her eyes, lips moving in a long series of silent numbers before she spoke. "Five. Five of five moving like six but never four. Wait for three and count to ten." Eyes still shut tight, River whirled to stand and fired five shots before ducking and followed immediately by the sound of groaning, disappointed children.

"What the hell--" He was going to ask where the hell she got that crazy mother goose rhyme, but watched in awe as she went all Rambo on his ass. And wasted the group of kids! "That!" Pause, "Was awesome! High five!" He held out his hand for the high-fiving.

River raised her gun and fired over his shoulder at a child in the turrets. "It's not safe." Instead of slapping the offered hand, River locked her fingers in it and pulled him just in time to dodge a line of fire from one of the opponent's she'd just deactivated. If this wasn't her in military mode, it was as close as she could safely get.

"Weird high five. Grip five?" Barney was pulled, and heard the groaning of the deactivated kid. "That's what you get, Timmy!" He taunted a little..but then stared at River in disbelief. "Who -are- you?"

She looked at him strangely at first. It seemed a silly question. "Don't know. Forget sometimes." Yanking him roughly to the floor, River shut her eyes and waited. "They think they have us surrounded. Like water at the gates." Looking to Barney, she nodded once. "I need a decoy."

He stared back, never one to back down from that sort of thing. And then quirked a full-on boyish grin. "You would--" Then he was yanked to the ground. Oh God! "That's hot!" Whispered to her. Legalities be damned! Surely Canada had a different age of consent! Heh. Back to it, Barnabus! Eyes on the prize. Sharpshooter needed a decoy, and Sergent Stinson was on the job. He mock saluted her from the floor. "Send me out. I'll..be the moat." Okay. Bad analogy, but he was trying to follow.

If River registered the words, she didn't make mention of them, instead letting him up while she scanned the area. And waited. "Go!" She shoved him unceremoniously out of cover, taking out shooters the moment he began to draw fire. The countdown was nearing zero, close to signaling the end of the game.

He was up, and then shoved out into the open. Barney did manage at least to get one kid on his own with a call of something like "Take that, you snot-nosed---hi guys." Because he was surrounded. Enter saviour in too big shoes! Barney flinched, but stayed out as the decoy, and was amazed to see that he hadn't been hit. Where was that crazy chick? "That! Was legen..." Wait for it! "Dary! So freaking legendary!"

The buzzer went off and the lights came back on, thumping techno fading until it was just buzzing between River's ears. "Wait?" River scowled; he spoke so strangely, emphasis on all the wrong words. She proceeded to unbuckle the armor, scarecely looking at her pistol to see her kill count (undoubtedly through the roof). Pulling the clunky sensors over her head, she grinned up at Barney. "Nothing can stop me now."
"Wait wait. You gotta look at your kills!" He reached out to grab her gun, reading the numbers. And whistled low. Then Barney was looking at her when she said that nothing could stop her. "At the risk of sounding all corny dad, you ain't whistling dixie sister." He grinned in return and was starting to take off his own armour. "You and I are now a team. A team of Untouchables!"

"She doesn't need a team!" Poking him squarely in the chest, River rose up on her toes to gain a few inches, though it barely took her to eye level. "Teams slow you down. Nobody's untouchable." Thinking a moment, she added, "...except for River." Maybe it was that arrogance of his rubbing off on her, but River was feeling a lot more confident than was usual.

He grinned again as she poked him, and poked her shoulder in return. "Except for River." He got to thinking about it..and the grin turned downright mischevious. "You know. We could make a killing off of this! Bet how many you can take down..how many people can take you down!" None of course!

At his offer, River balked, settling back on her heels with a thump and a nervous look unlike her previous elation. "I -- can't. Already come too close to it." She could feel the military bones in her rattling, the aching presence in the back of her mind she and the Doctor had tried so hard to reason with. "Risky." Closing her hand around his wrist, River gave Barney a quick tug out of the arena.

Barney didn't get the severe up and down of how she acted. People in this town were strange. "Risky? Of what? Poolsharking maybe. But that's not illegal, just--" He was pulled again, tugged out of the arena. And once she let go, he was smoothing out his suit. "Good game." Smile flashed. "What else do you do for fun?"

"Fun?" River looked confused, but found his smile endearing. As well as his suit. "Don't -- um. The definition is wrong." The confusion morphed into curiosity as she examined his tie, smoothing the lapels of his suit. "Ianto wears suits too," she murmured, "But your purpose is different."

"How can the definition be wrong? Fun, noun -- to have. An event that you enjoy. Barney Stinson." Okay. So maybe it wasn't exactly Webster's definition..but it should be. His own cockiness morphed into her confusion briefly when River smoothed out his suit. But that was very brief. Because of course the ladies couldn't keep their hands to themselves around him. Poor things. "Ianto.." Ianto.. He was thinking. Then laughed. "Gnome guy! He does have nice suits." Paused, "How can you have a different purpose for a -suit-?"

"Barney Stinson." River wrinkled her nose at the sound of the name, not quite liking how it felt in her head. "Doesn't have suits for having suits. Has them for fooling people. Fooling himself." She could sift through his memories, drain them like a sieve, but wouldn't do that just yet -- River had too much natural curiosty to let it be sated that easily. She took a long step back, hands locked behind her back as she half-twirled from side to side, making her dress swirl around her ankles. "Fun is fun?"

He caught the nose wrinkle. "I could be the Barnacle for you." He grinned again, winking. But the grin faded when she started all prophetizing like the bums outside of the subway. However, he chalked that up to her describing poor, poor Ianto (denial) and watched River move around. "Fun is fun." Agreed with a nod of affirmation. "I'm fun. I have fun." So this was how it would be like to talk with Angelina Jolie's character in Girl, Interrupted.

"But is your definition of fun subjective?" River pawed at her hair, trying to push it out of her eyes. "Or is it Barney less fun than he claims?" Returning the triumphant smile, she found herself turning a bit red. For his strangeness, Barney spoke what he thought, and that was a rarity, making things not quite as confusing when she didn't have to process multiple wavelengths.

Barney spoke exactly what he thought. For better or for worse. Usually the latter. And was scoffing at her observation. "I am loads of fun!" He made himself loads of fun. Who else would go to such great lengths to bring on the fun? He was tall, like his look-alike Billy, but held himself straight, unlike his look-alike. And was coming to walk beside River, hip checking her bony self. "You're kind of crazy. But fun too." So if it was subjective, then he was using his subjectiveness to add her in.

river tam, barney stinson, *status-complete

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