Who: Neil Perry, Nate Archibald, and probably Lulu Spencer soon
What: *Points at topic title*
When: Several days after the Halloween party
Where: AV Community College, Neil's place, burger joint, and various outdoors locations
Rating: Low to Medium
Status: Incomplete
Romance is in the air... )
Making eye contact once again, Nate couldn't express how thankful he was for Neil's words. At least, not with his own words. So instead, Nate let his arms wrap around Neil once more and tug him tight, his lips honing in on those soft pink ones that seemed to taste so sweet. And as he tugged on Neil's shirt, he let his lips part, deepening the kiss in a way he hadn't dared their first time.
He was surprised, to say the least. But somehow, despite his reservations, this still felt... so right. Plus, Nate seemed to need this right now, and it felt good knowing Neil could offer him some comfort like this. So he tried not to think about how inexperienced he probably was compared to Nate, and reached up to cradle the other boy's face in his hands as he kissed back.
After a few minutes, Nate pulled back, his arms still holding Neil tight. "Thank you..."
His heart was pounding, hundreds of lines of poetry streaming through his mind. How had this happened? How could he feel so strongly in such a short time? How could he already feel like he could be happy standing like this forever, and like he'd destroy this 'Gossip Girl's life in an instant if he could? Whatever Nate was hiding, it could be horrible. Unforgivable. And yet Neil was already certain he'd forgive him.
Neil hadn't been in many situations when the poetry didn't seem to fit. There had always been a line or verse for everything. But this, right now... nothing seemed strong enough. "Are you alright now?"
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