Peers of the realm

Oct 29, 2008 22:03

Who: Admiral Sir Edward Pellew & Sir Integra Hellsing. Possibly Ianto Jones, if he's in?
What: Two knights of the realm (okay, probably not of the same realm...) meet for tea (and scones).
When: After the events on this journal entry
Where: Integra's flat
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete.

Notes: Presuming that characters can't see icons - only ( Read more... )

edward pellew, ianto jones, integra hellsing, *status-complete

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strictlymaster October 29 2008, 16:21:51 UTC
Already, Integra had set up temporary headquarters. There was no need to -- she did not have a working operation, she did not have people to command, she had no immediate foe. However, she had been made aware of the presence of vampires in town, and wanted to be ready for any possible attacks headed her way.

Also, there was safety in paranoia.

Somehow the bank of Aternaville had been able to access her accounts, despite the blatant fact that this was not her world. Must be the same strange magic that brought me here, she reasoned, but was not one to complain and spent a great deal furnishing her new flat. (It was rather suitable, despite her complaints.)

The doorbell rang at the end of the hall and Integra hardly looked up from the papers in her hands. "Mr. Jones, would you please invite Admiral Pellew inside? I'm expecting him."


teapot_jones October 29 2008, 17:05:44 UTC
Given that the town's resident vampire was more interested in things to do (and possibly booze) than attacking, Ianto was fairly certain that there wouldn't be much of an attack. Granted, he didn't say as much, since it seemed to make Integra happy to plan for the worst.

Well. Worst when it came to vampires, at least. Ianto didn't have the heart to tell her that aliens tend to be worse and that neither held a candle to fairies.

Ianto, in a new suit (one he disliked intensely but one couldn't go to work in jeans) set down the folders he had been filing away at the sound of the doorbell. "Shall I send him to the sitting room or will you entertain him in the study?" Ianto did not smile. Really. He didn't.

He wanted to, though.

And once he got Integra's answer, he strode with purpose across the flat and pulled open the door.


indiepellew October 30 2008, 00:25:52 UTC
Pellew had been lost in thought - so he was a little taken back as the door opened suddenly. But once he realised the man standing in the doorway was not (probably) French, he relaxed (putting his hand down from where it had automatically flown to his sword hilt).

"Sir Integra, I presume?"


teapot_jones October 30 2008, 00:31:40 UTC
Not at all French. And when he opened his mouth, the accent cinched it. Welsh, not French. Which, by some standards, wasn't much better, but at least he wasn't a frog.

"Amusingly, no. I'm the butler. Admiral Pellew, I presume?" he asked and stepped aside, allowing the Admiral to enter. The scones and the Admiral's coat would more than likely end up in Ianto's hands for proper disposition and a minute or so later, Ianto would be leading the man through the flat.


strictlymaster October 30 2008, 00:48:15 UTC
"In my study, please," Integra called after him as her new butler went to answer the door. She watched him over the top of the paper, rather impressed by his tact; Ianto had most certainly not been lying when he'd said that he was capable of butler-y.

The tea had been fantastic.

The sound of muted voices carried, but was incomprehensible and Integra filed away her papers into the drawer of the oak desk. They were useless, unnecessary things like bills and the first pages of a daily report as well as working profiles of the people she'd met so far.

Lacing her fingers, she rocked back in her chair (leather) and waited for the Admiral.


indiepellew October 30 2008, 00:56:57 UTC
Pellew nodded politely at the butler (reminding himself to inquire after the young man's name at some later stage), and followed him through the apartment.

Finally, they reached the study. "Really," he was saying as he entered, "as far as these new-fangled accomodations go, this is actually quite..." he trailed off, as he got a good look at the person sitting behind the desk.

Sir Edward blinked, and momentarily forgot his manners. "You're Sir Integra." It wasn't a question.


teapot_jones October 30 2008, 01:09:38 UTC
He was enjoying the Admiral's reaction far too much. He couldn't help the little smile, this time.

A hand flicked towards the desk and the chairs and he cleared his throat. "Admiral Pellew, Sir Integra." Ianto retreated before he could burst out laughing. Oh God, this was good.

Besides, he had to go make tea, now.


strictlymaster October 30 2008, 01:15:34 UTC
Integra couldn't help but keep the small, even smug grin from her lips. "Yes. Of course. Were you expecting someone else?" There was only a hint of teasing to her words.

Nodding to Ianto with a bit of a smirk (alas, she had a sense of humor!) Integra agreed to his motion to leave. "Thank you, Mr. Jones. Would you be so kind as to bring us some tea?"

Attention again on the Admiral, Integra stood, smoothing non-existent wrinkles from her suit. She was used to the surprised looks; people heard Sir Hellsing and thought of her father, not an attractive blond woman of twenty-two years. "Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. Pleasure." She offered him a gloved hand.


indiepellew October 30 2008, 01:48:48 UTC
He graciously took the offered hand. "Admiral Sir Edward Pellew, ma'am."

Which brought him to his next point. "Pardon my rudeness earlier, but..." he paused, wondering how to phrase the next point, " my day, women weren't exactly able to be made peers of the realm."

Nothing like the direct approach.


strictlymaster October 30 2008, 02:05:40 UTC
Letting his hand fall, Integra took her seat and motioned for him to do so as well. "Then a lot has changed since your day, Admiral." The self-satisfied smirk still played at her lips, proud that she still had the ability to catch people off-guard.

"Though I do understand your confusion. It is customary of female peers to be dubbed 'Dame' not 'Sir.' I, however, seem to be a special case." Integra had chosen to be a Sir. The Queen's expression when she requested such was still priceless.


teapot_jones October 30 2008, 20:33:43 UTC
At some point during their conversation, Ianto returned, bearing a silver tray with tea, the scones and the appropriate cups and saucers and spoons. Very quietly and very efficiently, he poured tea and set out snacks.


indiepellew November 1 2008, 02:39:58 UTC
"I can see that," he said wryly, taking the offered seat.

Pellew watched as Ianto entered the room, and started setting out the tea trays. "Thank you, Mister Jones," he was sure to say.

He had to stop himself from reaching out and assisting. He'd gotten used to doing things himself, that he'd forgotten how things were done in the circles he used to run around in.

"This is a rather nice set up you've got here Sir Integra, if I may say so myself."


strictlymaster November 1 2008, 02:54:39 UTC
Integra gave her own small smile and nod of thanks to Ianto before lifting the cup of sweet-smelling tea to her lips, still studying Pellew over the rim of it.

"Yes, remarkably I'm still able to access my accounts here," she mused, taking a sip and smiling. Ianto made fantastic tea. "Strange, considering it isn't even my world." She wondered if there would be a way to access her files as well, not that it would do her much good here, with no Millennium to do battle with.


indiepellew November 1 2008, 03:00:58 UTC
Pellew sipped at his own tea. "This is good," he remarked approvingly. "Can't remember the last time I had a good brew."

He raised an eyebrow at her last comment. "Not your own world, Sir Integra?" He regarded her over the rim of his cup. "I didn't quite realise that there were several worlds out there to choose from."


strictlymaster November 1 2008, 03:11:57 UTC
"I was lucky I found Mister Jones when I did," Integra assented. "I think I would have gone a bit mad without my butler, dropped into this city out of the sky."

His light sarcasm had her narrowing her eyes for half second before shooting the man a tight smile. "Yes. And I suppose that your ship and its crew happened to sail over here from Great Britain, Admiral?"


indiepellew November 1 2008, 03:35:42 UTC
At least he had the decency to look abashed. "Um, not exactly," he said. "Though what I wouldn't do, to have the good old Indie here with me."


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