
Oct 27, 2008 19:04

Who: Sam & Dean Winchester
What: Dean comes home to find a very drunken Sam
When: The night after this thread.
Where: Sam & Dean's hotel room.
Rating: PG-13 for now. Subject to change.
Status: Complete, Private
Warning: There be Wincest here.

Beware! There be drunken!Sammy ahead! )

dean winchester, sam winchester, *status-complete

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ichasedemons October 28 2008, 03:27:09 UTC
Dean was startled at first by Sam's voice. He was always startled by anything right after the nightmare woke him.

He removed his shirt and used it to wipe his face and the sweat from his chest.

"I'm okay Sammy" he said lowly.

"I didn't mean to wake you up."
He knew that Sam was bound to have a headache as it doesn't take long to go into hangover mode.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 03:29:51 UTC
Sam did have a headache, and a killer one. But with the lights off, and the quiet sound of night, Sam could handle it. And he was much more worried about Dean than he was himself.

"It's okay, Dean," he said softly. "...What... do you wanna talk?"


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 03:32:22 UTC
"It's okay. Nothing to talk about really, just that damn nightmare again Sammy."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 03:35:12 UTC
"...Y'know Dean, back when Jess died... And I was having nightmares... and I couldn't sleep for days on end? You used to tell me that we'd have to talk sooner or later. The same's true for you," Sam reached up, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "...Talk to me, Dean."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 03:39:04 UTC
Dean felt the shoulder and chuckled when he realized that his words were coming back to bite him in the butt. He had told Sam that he would have to talk sooner or later and the sooner the better.

"It's just the nightmare I've had ever since, well you know what" he said not even wanting to say went to hell.

I keep waking up at the part where the demons are holding me in place and tormenting me. They're saying bad things Sammy."

He tried to keep himself from saying what the demons were saying to him but he knew Sam would persist until he finally told him.

"They said I would never get to see you again until they show me how they finally kill you Sammy."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 03:44:10 UTC
"...Dean... I'm not dead. They haven't killed me and they won't. They were just empty threats and lies." He knew that must come as next to no comfort to the man beside him. Hell, Sam had lived for months, watching Dean die any number of horrific ways. "They're not gonna kill me. I... I'm gonna stay right here." Without even registering, Sam had moved closer to Dean, wrapping his arm around his brother. "And so are you."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 03:48:24 UTC
Dean felt the embrace and relaxed into Sam's arms. He knew that Sam would keep his word that nothing was going to happen to either of them, but they had demons coming from every way now. It was going to take them being strong to get through all of this. They didn't have Bobby or anyone like that to watch their backs. Sure Bobby could drive up here but it would take awhile to do it.

"I believe you Sammy. I just don't think I could make it if something was to happen to you. It had to be hard for you to go on knowing what happened to me..." Dean said still not able to say it.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 03:55:10 UTC
As soon as Dean relaxed, Sam squeezed just gently enough to be reassuring. He slipped his knife back beneath his pillow, his pulse returning back to normal. All except for that damned fluttering.

"It... yeah. Yeah, it was. But I did what I could. And now you're back, Dean! You're back and we can... we've got a chance to..." he couldn't bring himself to say it, could only hold Dean close and imagine. "...We both came back from the dead, Dean. You from hell, me from God-knows-where. Isn't it obvious? Neither of us are gonna be going anywhere. Not for a long time."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 03:59:07 UTC
Dean felt the reassuring squeeze and knew that Sam would watch his back.

"I want that more than anything" Dean said wrapping his arms around Sam hoping that he could make sure nothing would ever happen to him again. Dean wondered what Sam was going to say. A chance to what?

"We have a chance to what Sammy?"


psychicsam October 28 2008, 04:04:41 UTC
"...To be... together. Again." He'd come so close, tried so hard to speak those words, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't say that. Dean would laugh right in his face. And that would hurt more than that spike that had entered his heart. He wouldn't even take him seriously. And then if Sam did stick to his guns? Did tell Dean that he was serious? Then Dean would just be freaked out. Then he might leave. And the only thing that could hurt worse than losing Dean to death would be Dean leaving by choice.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 04:07:11 UTC
Dean couldn't help but feel that there was something else that Sam wasn't telling him. He slid closer to Sam and lay his head on the pillow looking over at the man.

"Sammy, were you serious about um.....about what you said earlier?"


psychicsam October 28 2008, 04:10:38 UTC
Sam blinked, turning and seeing Dean lay there. The previous night was more blur than anything else. Though one phrase in particular did stand out.

"...Listen, Dean, I know. I know you probably hate me for saying it. But it's the truth. You're a pretty short guy."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 04:15:36 UTC
"You bitch" Dean said playfully punching Sam's ribcage area.

"I am not short, I might be pretty, but I'm not short. You just don't know what you're talking about."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 04:20:05 UTC
"Jerk!" Sam called back, grinning wildly. As much as he wished he could tell Dean all he wanted and dreamed of, he knew he couldn't risk giving this up. He wanted this more than anything. This closeness.

"...It's like, three in the morning. We should probably... get some sleep," he said, going to stand up and move to the other bed. He doubted Dean had taken kindly to being dragged into bed the previous night.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 04:22:13 UTC
"Yeah we need to get some sleep" Dean said locking his arms around Sam's waist before he could fully stand up and pulled him back in bed.

"But you're staying right here" he said keeping his arms locked around him from behind.

"Don't leave me" Dean said slowly starting to drift off to sleep. "I don't want to have another nightmare."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 04:28:51 UTC
Sam's mouth nearly hung open in surprise as he turned, rolling over to look Dean in the eye. "...Dean," he whispered, wrapping his arms around the other man so instinctively, what came next was as shocking to him as it was to Dean. Maybe it was some kind of muscle memory from when he'd hold other girls in his arms, but without a lick of thought, Sam leaned in and kissed Dean softly and gently on the lips.

As soon as their lips touched, Sam's eyes went wide. He pulled back instantly, his mind racing, wondering if he'd really done that and if he could find some way to blame it on the alcohol. "I---I----"


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