
Oct 27, 2008 19:04

Who: Sam & Dean Winchester
What: Dean comes home to find a very drunken Sam
When: The night after this thread.
Where: Sam & Dean's hotel room.
Rating: PG-13 for now. Subject to change.
Status: Complete, Private
Warning: There be Wincest here.

Beware! There be drunken!Sammy ahead! )

dean winchester, sam winchester, *status-complete

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ichasedemons October 27 2008, 23:43:39 UTC
Dean got out of the Impala and started on his way towards the hotel room that he and Sam were staying in. He pulled out his key and opened the door letting it open a bit. It was kind of dark in the room as the only light was coming from the lamp that was in between their beds.

He saw Sam sitting on the edge of the bed trying to get up holding onto the nightstand. Apparently something was wrong and he didn't know what it could be. Then his nose picked up a familiar smell. Sam was drinking again. Dean couldn't hide the smirk on his face as he remembered the last time his younger brother had gotten drunk and the revenge that Dean had gotten for the conversation they had with each other and the teasing. Oh did he pay for it the next day. Hangovers can be fun to play with.

"Sammy are you drinking again?"


psychicsam October 27 2008, 23:57:20 UTC
Scowling at Dean, Sam pulled himself up with a significant amount of effort. "You suck," he grunted, holding himself up and feeling quite dizzy. He let out a low groan, staring decisively at the mini-fridge.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 00:01:31 UTC
Dean saw the scowl and just shrugged it off with a chuckle.

"Do you think you're going to make it to the fridge in your condition? Sit your ass down before you hurt yourself."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 00:07:34 UTC
"I can make it," Sam reassured Dean, releasing his hand from its anchoring position on the dresser. Instantly, he regretted the decision, the entire world spinning. "...Woah..." grabbing for the dresser again, Sam stumbled backwards, one hand on his forehead.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 00:11:47 UTC
"What did I tell you" Dean said a little louder and angry than he intended it to be. He rushed over and caught his brother right before he could have fell and hit the nightstand.

"If you want a drink just ask me and I'll get it for you. I can't have you getting hurt right now."

He made Sam sit back down on the fridge and he went over and got Sam another bottle of Jack, which he thought was what was in the empty bottle. He grabbed a beer for himself and sit on his bed across from Sam facing him shaking his head as he couldn't believe Sam would allow himself to get drunk again.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 00:17:32 UTC
Pouting discontently, Sam stared at Dean and continued scowling. "...You're short. And bossy." It was true. Dean was always telling him what to do, and what not to do, like he was the boss of him or something.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 00:20:21 UTC
"Yeah yeah, call me short all you want to and I'm going to show you just how short I am" Dean retorted tossing the bottle to Sam.

He couldn't help but notice how adorable the little pout was that Sam had on his face and he was going to call him out on it but he didn't.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 00:34:22 UTC
"I will. You're short," Sam continued, his mouth working at the same speed as his brain. "And you fuck too many random chicks."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 00:38:09 UTC
"Tell me one more time I'm short and I'll make you regret it. Just remember you might be taller but I can still whip your ass if I want to" Dean said.

He smirked at the last comment about being with to many chicks.

"What are you jealous because I'm out there getting some and you're here at the hotel room?"


psychicsam October 28 2008, 00:45:57 UTC
"M'not jealous," he groaned, pouting even more. "'sjust stupid. No need to go out with s'm girl whose name you won't remember. ...Short."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 00:47:44 UTC
"So what if I can't remember her name? I have to do something" Dean retorted taking a swig of the beer he had in his hand. His was almost gone and the way Sam was going he was definitely going to need something else. He got up and went to the fridge grabbing him another one walking back towards the bed still seeing the pouting face on Sam's face.

"If I didn't know better I would still think you're just jealous."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 00:57:38 UTC
"'M not jealous!" Sam called back, taking a long swig. "Yer jealous. B'sides, you should just stay here with me and we should..." he trailed off, getting lost at the sight of the way the jack splashed in the bottle.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 01:01:18 UTC
Dean had cocked his head to the side as many thoughts ran through his mind. Sam didn't finish his thought. He could have finished it, and there were a lot of ways he could have finished it. He knew not to let Dean's mind fill in blanks because they were never good.

"We should what Sam? Tell me what you think I should do. You tell me I'm bossy all the time so why don't you let me know what you would like me to do. I want to know how you feel. Whats going through that head of yours?"


psychicsam October 28 2008, 01:08:34 UTC
"...have sex." He continued to pout, acting as though he might have said something totally ordinary like 'order a pizza' or 'rent a movie.' He groaned as he took another swig. "...Stomach hurts..."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 01:16:55 UTC
Dean looked at Sam not sure what to say. Was he offering what he thought he was offering. Was he serious or was this some kind of drunk act that he would regret later. If it was Dean didn't find it that funny. In fact he didn't know what to think.

"Sammy. Are you fucking serious?"

"Are you saying you and me should.....should have sex?"


psychicsam October 28 2008, 01:27:02 UTC
Sam's stomach churned, and the younger brother leaned forwards, groaning. "...fuck..." he groaned, moving towards the bathroom without replying to Dean, but not making it much farther than standing and almost losing his balance.


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