A little help here?

Oct 12, 2008 10:46

When: Saturday, Oct. 11
Where: A perfectly ordinary home on Candlestick Maker Street
Who: Dr. Horrible and please would somebody save him?
Rating: PG-13

This would not be going in his blog as Dr. Horrible's best day ever. )

dr. horrible, earthquake, buffy summers, *status-complete, tex

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the_golden_girl October 12 2008, 20:08:08 UTC
Buffy was thankful to not have come across this mess alone. She knew she could have made her way in, but once she did, she saw just how unstable the basement was. Carefully making her way closer behind the other woman, Buffy watched as the wire was kicked from making any more harmful destruction to the building.

Stepping over fallen glass and bits of the basement ceiling, Buffy nodded to Tex and closed the distance to Doctor Horrible. Crouching down, she noticed the shard of glass protruding from his side. "He needs medical attention as soon as possible." The blonde announced. Despite her small stature, she easily and carefully held Doctor Damsel in her arms, crossing over the cluttered floor, eyes darting up as a beam fell in front of her just a second before she flinched back with her unconscious companion. With one final glance to the other woman, to make sure she was okay, Buffy darted for the exit. Using superhuman strength, speed and agility to make it out of the basement and outside in moments.

Only when she was far enough away from the damaged building, did she stop, gently laying Doctor Horrible down on the grass. Eyes roaming over his injured form. The glass was what had her the most concerned.


freelancertexas October 12 2008, 20:18:06 UTC
Tex waited until the blonde woman was safely out of the building, then a few heartbeats after then, until she released the wall and took off for the exit, hopping over some of the colorful sludge as she made her way for the light that promised her a safe way out. But the building creaked, and Tex cursed and dropped down into a low crouch just before the entire thing tilted forward, towards the two outside, and fell with a sickening cracking crunch, right atop the red-head.

Dust billowed up around the rubble and everything was still for almost a full minute, before a sizable chunk of the building was shoved up, and a very dusty, coughing red-head pulled herself out and let the debris fall back down into place. She checked her weapons briefly, then dusted herself off by patting hard against her chest and arms (and her thighs.. say.. her right thigh hurt some. Her pants were wet.. great, she was bleeding.) She smoothed a hand to the back of her thigh and dug a finger briefly into the wound there. That was a bullet wound. Fuckingsonofabitch. But she was climbing down out of the rubble and shaking her head some to shake the dust from her hair, as she headed towards the blonde and the doctor. "So where do we find medical attention? I can keep him from dying quickly, but I can't save his life." She knew field medics, but that was it.


the_golden_girl October 12 2008, 21:42:56 UTC
When Buffy heard the building crumble cave to the ground, she jumped up to her feet. Her instinct going from worrying over Doctor Damsel to Xena Warrior Princess who was caught under the fallen building. "SHIT!" The Slayer hissed, feet ready to sprint her to the destruction, but she never made it. In the blink of an eye, it seemed Xena was able to pry herself free of the mess with less effort than she'd have used.

Inching back to the ground near the rescued Doctor, Buffy called out, "You're okay, right?" Inwardly cringing as she'd not literally seen the other woman stick a finger into a wound. but knew the first signs that was what she was doing, though, the blonde was soon back to focusing on Doctor Damsel, and yes, he was always going to have that name from her. "We'll have to look around. I'd imagine a hospital or doctor offices would be the best place to setup a triage of sorts. I'm just too new in town to know where about that'd be. Would you know where those places might be?" Tearing the lab coat around the wound, Buffy was careful not to further aggravate the injury on him. "Saving him from dying would be very good. Don't wanna feel like possibly dying was all in vein." She joked lightly, smiling at the other woman. "It might be the only way to actually save him altogether. He needs to be a lot more stable before we move him around."


freelancertexas October 12 2008, 22:13:34 UTC
"Yeah, peachy." Drly returned to the blonde as she came over to crouch in front of the doctor and fish around in the little shoulder bag she always had. Tex was always prepared, even though she didn't really need to be as prepared as she once had to be, it still didn't prevent her from carrying medical supplies. And she was pulling what looked like a whipped cream can from her bag, with the words 'Sterile Foam' written across the can. Contents under pressure was written just below. She shook it up and nodded for the blonde to stretch the doctor out some. And once he was on his back and his wound was exposed, she was reaching her hand down to jerk the piece of glass out, then she was pushing the tip of the foam container inside his wound and pressing the button. It filled the wound with foam, and as she pulled the can back, the foam filled the gash in his skin. Within ten seconds it was stiff but still bendable. She shook the can at the other woman. "Medical foam." It would keep you going for hours before you finally died, no matter how bad the wound, because it stopped you from bleeding out everywhere. But it was only like sticking a piece of chewing gum in a crack in the dam. It wouldn't last forever.

"I'll carry him." She was taller than the petite blonde, and she was sure she was stronger. Hefting the doctor up would be no problem. "I passed a place that looked like it might be the beginnings of a temporary medical station." With some strange looking people.


drhorriblesblog October 12 2008, 22:44:00 UTC
Dr. Horrible chose that moment to stir, coughing. He was used to waking up with dislocated shoulders, broken ribs, concussions, and various things, but this was something new. The only thing he could compare it to was drowning; with every breath he was dragging liquid into his lungs. He tried to turn on his side, to relieve it, and was met with such a stab of pain that he moaned aloud.

There were people beside him, he could hear voices. He tried to speak, to demand that they leave him alone - he'd be fine eventually, he healed up quick from a beating - but the effort gave way to a fit of coughing, hacking really. Flecks of blood spotted his mouth when he finally managed to stop, breathing shallowly.


the_golden_girl October 12 2008, 23:02:43 UTC
Peachy. At least she spoke a language Buffy understood very well. Still, though, the blonde was worried that the woman before her was maybe, just maybe, brushing her injuries off her shoulder a tad too quickly. Stretching out Doctor Damsel with gentle hands that were calloused from years of weapon handling, Buffy raised a brow at the can of medical equipment that didn't seem so medical to her. "You're not going to lick his wounds with that as a topping, are you?" She asked with a gulp. Hey! She'd seen weirder. Sometimes that weirder actually worked well.

She knew now was no time for wasting precious seconds that matter in saving the man before them, so she just allowed Tex to do as she needed to do. All with a watchful eye on their unconscious helpless Doctor. What she swore could be him possibly responding by way of twitching eyelids, she also imagined it could be from nerves responding to the pain he was in.

Stepping up and giving Xena room to gather up the Doctor, she nodded. "I say we get there as soon as possible. I can run pretty fast, if you can, too. Might be better if we do." She canted her head at the sputtering of blood around his lips, "Hey, if you can hear me, just relax, okay?" A hand reached out to finally remove the goggles from off his head carefully. "We'll get you medical help. Just try and relax. You're not in such bad shape as you might feel." Buffy lied. She had no idea how bad of shape he was in.


freelancertexas October 13 2008, 00:09:41 UTC
Tex had just smirked up at her when she asked if Tex was going to lick it off, then went back to work. Once the can was stashed away and the blonde was announcing that they should run, the Spartan was shifting to start picking up the doctor. But then he began coughing and the Freelancer let her lips curl up some. "If you spit up blood on me, Doc, I'm going to break your neck. I just had this shirt cleaned." It was a lie, of course, and she was covered in dust, wrinkled, and had some blood staining the collar of said shirt, thanks to the blood dripping from her temple. "Do what Barbie says and relax. You've got a scratch." A scratch was a gross understatement, and didn't cover any of his other problems, but Tex was scooping the doctor up then. When she stood, it caused a twinge in her eye, when she felt the sharp pain in the back of her leg. That was a bit of extra weight, and it brought on a little bit of extra pain. But it wasn't much, and she was ready to go, shifting the blonde man in her arms as she looked over at the shorter woman. "It's to the East." Directions towards the temporary medical facility. Even as she spoke the words, she was moving down the sidewalk.


the_golden_girl October 13 2008, 03:47:54 UTC
Was there any point in pointing out that Tex already had blood on said shirt? None of it by means of Doctor Damsel at that. Fidgeting with the blood splattered goggles in her hands, Buffy looked a bit upset by the name tag, "Barbie?" A huff of indignity. "I am so far from being a Barbie." She just met the woman and found it necessary to defend herself. Ad really? A scratch? It looked more like, well, she wasn't going to say it to the harmed man. Not if he was starting to wake. "You look good for a guy that had been trapped in a building." The Slayer decided to pipe up to hopefully give the injured Damsel Doctor some moral.

Noticing the reaction from the other woman as she gathered the Doctor up in her arms, Buffy would make sure the other had some medical attention when they arrived to the setup. "Right behind you." And she was. Buffy right on the heels of the other woman. Bottom of her foot hurting now that she finally realized she was sans a shoe.

"Is Canada even on a, what are they called, plate decorations?" Of course she meant plate tectonics. Yup, nice way to dismiss the Barbie tag.


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