(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 12:55

Who: Tex
When: After the earthquake
Where: The Ravine
What: Tex reflects on the situation.
Rating: R for language and thoughts of violence.
Status: Complete

The Freelancer lived in her ship in the Ravine. No, really. She did. Seriously.The ship was large enough to transport fifty fully armed men (or forty fully armed Spartans), and had a small arsenal of guns, which she coveted and kept locked up in the armory at the very back of the ship. She'd even managed to steal herself a lovely matress which she slept on.. in front of the door to the armory, to assure that her small arsemal of guns were safe. She lived there. It was her home since her arrival almost a month ago. And now, she was staring blankly at the ship, which had been unlucky enough to be tossed around in the 'earthquake'. But Tex wasn't stupid, and she'd been there, in the Ravine, to witness this insane transfer. She'd come out of the Pelican to watch, and had stood in dumbfounded silence as it began. Then she'd been thrown to the ground in the hard earth-shaking event. And she'd had to watch as her prized Pelican had been tossed about like a hot potato on a vibrating plate. The large, metal hull had bounced and shaken on the ground, and had finally cracked. In five places. And now her home had a skylight.

Tex grunted and shook her head, looking over the damage done to her ship. A crack had opened up under it, and several pieces of the raped viper had fallen down into that crack. So had her matress. And one of her favorite weapons. Cockbites. Tex was not pleased. But she had imagined that she could work through it, patch it up.. and she shouldered the one sniper rifle, and the one battle rifle she'd managed to grab while running out to see the commotion (her magnum always rested safely on her hip), and began moving back towards her ship. But she stopped short when she smelled.. was that fumed from her fuel? Oh God. Her ship was leaking fuel. Green eyes widened some and the Spartan took a step back. The panels inside the ship that had been torn apart were sparking, and seconds later, one of those lonely, bright sparks landed in the fuel, and started a rush fire that spread throughout the Pelican. Tex turned tail and ran. It was a good thing, because when the rushing fire hit the fuel tank, it exploded. The ball of fire blasted through the protective door to the armory, and just seconds after that, every gun in the armory started firing, bullets exploding, the dynamite she stored away was detonating, and grenades (both human and alien alike) were going off, and Tex managed to hit the rocky ground and cover her head, curling up some as her ship exploded into a huge fireball not a hundred feet away from her, throwing flaming chunks of debris in every direction, for hundreds of yards. Several smaller explosions followed, and she kept her head down and covered, until all of the explosions stopped -- the whole ordeal took about ten minutes, until the ship, charred and burning, relaxed into nothing but dancing, smoldering flames. It was only then that the red-head sat up and let out a breath as she watched her home burn.

"Well. Fuck."
She pushed to stand with a groan (her hip was sore now), and shook her head at the flaming wreckage of her ship. "Fucking aliens." It was her only explaination. "Fucking Reds." Okay. That was her other explaination. "Fucking command." Okay. That, too. "Fucking nuns." Well, seemed like anyone was to blame but Tex. And she was shouldering her guns again and rubbing a hand over her cheek. There was a bit of blood there, from a cut in her temple, from hitting a jagged rock, but she didn't pay it any mind. And she was turning to head out of the Ravine.

After climbing up the steep slope to get out, she paused on the highest part and stared at the scene presented, the wrecked town below her. It almost made her smirk. At least she wasn't the only one with misfortune around here. And she was hopping down off the rock and heading into the town.

earthquake, *status-complete, tex

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