
Oct 07, 2008 15:48

Who: Charles and OPEN!
What: Charles' introduction. :)
When: Early evening.
Where: The streets between the bar and the hotel.
Why: 'cause, um... yay, it's Charles?
Rating: PG13 to be safe for possible language.
Status: Incomplete; open.

Clap hands, here comes Charlie! )

benjamin 'hawkeye' pierce, margaret 'hot lips' houlihan, *status-complete, charles emerson winchester iii

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bostonblueblood October 7 2008, 22:21:01 UTC
The noise of traffic and other passers-by on the street would have clouded most's hearing such a small utterance, but Charles had his ears tuned, thanks to the clamor they called camp. Upon first hearing the familiar voice he groaned mildly and stopped in his steps completely. "Pierce..." His eyes shut, that Boston Brahmin accent of his rolling the name off of his tongue so casually ( ... )


mhoulihan October 8 2008, 01:37:38 UTC
Which was exactly how Margaret found him. She'd been wandering around town, trying to get herself used to the idea that she had somehow skipped several decades. She'd also just left the bank, after successfully accessing her account, and finding (to her amusement) that she'd somehow acquired several years of Army back pay in there.

Things were looking up, she figured. So almost tripping over someone was certainly not on the agenda for today.

"Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going!" she snapped, grabbing their shirt in an attempt to steady herself.
Before stopping. She'd know that voice from anywhere.


bostonblueblood October 8 2008, 02:59:52 UTC
That damn left foot. First it kept getting in his way, and now... Charles was hardly paying any attention when he leaned against the wall, his foot jutting out in a way that could seem intentional. His head was already spinning and everything came in a rush, someone colliding into him, grabbing at his shirt, and his eyes flew open, hand quickly falling away from his face.

"Uhn..." His brow furrowed, "must you scream like---Margaret?" He blinked once, trying to take a moment. His 'in-hell' theory still stood. He knew that Pierce was one to delve into debauchery, and... well, Charles was hardly one to want to pry into Margaret's personal life.

"How can... I know I... are we...?" He paused a moment, then, blues lowered between them to her hands on his shirt, the one side now untucked. They shot back up to her quickly. "Unhand me so we can figure this out."

Silly Charles, don't you know you're the one in the dark?


bfpierce October 8 2008, 03:36:02 UTC
"Yeah, welcome to hell, or something like that." Hawkeye leaned over and tried to help Charles back to his feet.

"Fhew, what did you do? Break into a distillery?" Hawk waved his hand in front of his face.


bostonblueblood October 8 2008, 03:46:58 UTC
Charles nodded a bit to Hawkeye for his help as he straightened himself out lifted his hand to swat lightly at Hawkeye's hand, shooing it off. Though his head was still swimming, the overwhelming feel of confusion was no doubt lending a hand in sobering him up.

"Mm, yes, something like that..." Charles felt his face growing hot, his features becoming livid. He was beginning to feel panic, but he could easily play it off as frustration.

"I always regarded myself as influential, but to have the devil himself greet me at his doorstep..." A sloppy, half smirk played on his features, "I am almost honored, Pierce."


bfpierce October 8 2008, 04:04:20 UTC
Hawkeye snorted at that comment. "Thanks, I think, glad to know I'm at least in the upper echelons of hell beasts."

"What the hell are you doing here, and you do know where here is right?"


bostonblueblood October 8 2008, 04:18:57 UTC
His panic and frustration blended together, now, both brows lifting high. "No. No. I haven't the faintest idea where here is or what is happening. What I thought happened was that the war ended, and I was traveling across the Pacific en route to California, then a direct flight to Boston. I cannot remember the plane ride, and when I went to my house... it... I-I know it was the street, but..."

Charles took a moment, brows furrowing as he tried to piece it all together. "My house was not there, Pierce. My family -- I wasn't able to find them anywhere. And, on a whim, I booked a flight to Canada, became intoxicated on two-dollar sour beers, and stumbled across the two of you across the street." His little rant seemed to keep going. "And not to mention that it is, oh, about fifty years in the future."

He took a deep breath, canting his head slightly to the left, "I would say that being in hell would be more logical."


bfpierce October 8 2008, 04:27:44 UTC
"Well, you've got the hard part anyway. Welcome to Aternaville, city of the odd."

Hawk leaned back against the wall, hands in his pockets as he stared of into space.. "I don't know how or why were here, but it can't be coincidence. I was the first, Margaret showed up a week or so ago, and now you're here."


bostonblueblood October 8 2008, 04:36:57 UTC
He sighed deeply, a hand lifting to wipe over his features. "Aternaville... hmph, now that you mention it, I do recall the name from when I arrived..."

He had to lean back to the wall again, himself, looking between the two of them. "How do you mean, 'odd'? This -- I can't believe anything would be more odd than the past two days." Oh, Winchester, the things you could never learn in Harvard.


bfpierce October 8 2008, 04:41:27 UTC
Well, time to have fun.

"There's a girl from the future here, as well as a girl who is naturally purple. We've got a psychic, probably a few aliens, maybe a vampire if the..." he trailed off, Charles wouldn't know what a message board was yet, he 'translated' for his 1950's sensibility, "if the rumor mill is to be believed. Not to mention three former army medical corps members stuck 50 ears in the future."

Hawkeye snorted, "I'm telling you, city of the odd."


bostonblueblood October 8 2008, 05:00:00 UTC
"...Purple, you say?"

It was all too much to digest at once, and though it could be blamed on his intoxication, Charles shook his head slowly, laughing lightly. One hand patted Hawkeye on the shoulder twice before falling. "I understand that you have had your difficulties before, but you are not dragging me into your delusion." He straightened, nodding a bit, respectfully. "Gentleman, Margaret."

And with that, he turned to push off from his lean and stumbled a bit forward. He had to take a few quick steps to catch himself. If he thought he was going anywhere, Charles was sorely mistaken.

But was he walking away because he didn't believe it, or didn't want to believe it?


mhoulihan October 8 2008, 06:19:13 UTC
Margaret had stayed silent. (She had also released her hand from his shirt when he'd politely asked her to do so.)

She'd only been there for a few days, after all, and Pierce seemed to be doing much better with the explanations than she could ever hope to. Though she had to raise an eyebrow when he started talking about psychics, aliens, vampires, and girls who were purple.

God, she really was living in a science fiction novel.

Margaret grabbed him by the arm as he stumbled, in an attempt to steady him. "C'mon, Charles," she said. "If you think you're going anywhere like that, you gotta be joking." She shook her head. "Where are you staying?"


bostonblueblood October 8 2008, 17:26:16 UTC
It was a good thing the Major was there to steady him, or he would have more than likely would have taken a face plant to the concrete. Charles tilted back a a bit at first, but quickly righted himself.

He turned to look over his shoulder, turning back towards the two of them just enough so that he could meet her eye-to-eye. "Margaret," he sighed a bit, "please don't tell me that you have bought into all this as well?"

What Charles wanted more than anything was for Hawkeye to say that this was all an elaborate practical joke. It was much more far fetched than actually believing the truth, but at least it was more comfortable. It was familiar, tangible.

But Margaret was right. Hell or no hell, joke or no joke, he still wasn't going to find his room in his condition, at least not by himself. After a long moment, his blues lowered, breaking the eye contact.

"...I've rented a suite at a hotel. It should be nearby, but it seems as if I have... misplaced it."


bfpierce October 8 2008, 20:09:59 UTC
"Since you've probably drank half the beer in Milwaukee judging by your current state. I'm not all that surprised."

Well, he'd already used the clinic as a drunk tank once, he might as well do it again. He looked over at Margret, "We could take him to the clinic, let him sober up there."


mhoulihan October 9 2008, 01:28:16 UTC
"Sounds like a good idea," she said to Hawkeye. "I'm not really up for the idea of going around the hotel, asking if they've misplaced a very drunk Boston surgeon." She stayed where she was, to render assistance if said drunk Boston surgeon happened to stumble again.

"And to answer your question, Charles," she continued, "I haven't, not exactly. But we're here now, so we'd best start getting used to it." She nudged him. "Think of it as extended R&R - except further away in time and space than Tokyo."

Did she just refer to 'time and space'?
...madness must be catching.


bfpierce October 9 2008, 01:31:27 UTC
"Ok, Chuck," he referred to Charles by the short form just knowing it would raise his ire. A pissed off Charles means a Charles that's not passed out. "Let's get a move on."

Hawk firmly took a hold of his elbow and started to drag him off in the direction of the clinic. His groceries in the other.


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