
Oct 07, 2008 00:09

Who: Lily, Sirius and Harry
What: Sirius asked the Potters to lunch
When: Afternoon
Where: The place Lily shares with Remus
Why: Cause Dani is a butt whom I <3 and I am procrastinating physics studyage.
Rating: Um...medium? 
Status: Incomplete.

Yays tagging! )

*status-in progress, sirius black, lily potter, harry potter

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a_jade_phoenix October 12 2008, 05:15:41 UTC
Teddy sat high up on Harry's back, arms wrapped almost painfully tight around Harry's neck as they walked over to Remus' place. Now that he knew where it was, he supposed it would have been easier to simply Apparate over, but the weather had been cooperating for once, given them a nice day, so Harry decided to walk.

"Harry, why's Peek Boo stayin' home?"

Harry tickled the bottom of Teddy's socked foot and grinned when the boy squirmed. "Because kitties and puppies don't get along, remember?"

"But Doc' saided! He saided that they could!"

Harry snorted, hitched Teddy up higher and shook his head. "Plus, it's rude to bring a guest without having them be invited."

"What's 'vited mean?"

"Asked over."


"Teddy," Harry mimicked the long drawn out whine in his godson's tone and chuckled when he heard Teddy huff dramatically. "We're almost there, and then I'll put you down."

"Pop us, Harry!"

Harry was beginning to think maybe that would be a good idea from the way Teddy's wigglings grew more frequent.

"All right, hang on."

And with a quick look around, Harry Apparated off the curb to Remus' front door. He knocked quickly as the air was slowly being choked from his lungs by the stranglehold Teddy had around his neck.


lpotter October 12 2008, 05:59:18 UTC
Lily got up from the couch and headed to the door opening it seeing Harry and Teddy.

"Hello!" she grinned at the two of them.


a_jade_phoenix October 13 2008, 01:05:47 UTC
"Lily!" Teddy shouted, lunging over Harry's shoulders to wrap his arms around Harry's mother's neck. Harry helped Teddy the rest of the way, careful to not let Teddy kick him in the head as he went.

He leaned forward and gently kissed his mother's cheek, wishing it didn't feel as awkward as it did. Harry still wasn't sure what to do now that he had a mother, but he was going to try.

"Is Sirius here?" he asked curiously.


lpotter October 13 2008, 01:09:54 UTC
Lily gave Teddy a huge hug. "Teddy!" she exclaimed in as excited a tone as the little boy.

Lily gave Harry a hug as well, ushering the two of them inside with a nod.

"Yes he is," she said, wondering why Sirius wasn't at the door already.


bloodydrapery October 13 2008, 01:22:00 UTC
Sirius momentarily froze at the sound of his Godson's voice. There was a whole mixture of emotions, most of them overwhelmingly positive ones, that came with hearing that voice.

But positive or negative, overwhelming was... overwhelming.

He blinked and stood up, going to the door with a practically numbing excitement buzzing all through him. Then he saw him there, in the doorway. "Harry," he breathed, a grin spreading. He walked the rest of the way to the boy... no, man now, and pulled him into what must have been a bone-crushing embrace. "Harry! Merlin, you... you've grown up!"

Something cold in his heart stirred at the observation, a sorrow for the time he'd so obviously missed. But the joy and relief was great enough that he could put away the regret, at least for now.


a_jade_phoenix October 15 2008, 18:47:17 UTC
Harry laughed into Sirius' shoulder. He might have grown up, but he certainly hadn't grown much. His wrapped his arms around Sirius tightly, fingers digging into the man's back. He hadn't known how desperately he needed this until now. Any lingering doubt evaporated with Sirius' stammered greeting.

"I missed you," he mumbled, feeling ridiculously happily stupid.


bloodydrapery October 15 2008, 19:26:51 UTC
"I'm sorry," Sirius said quietly. He felt like he'd been saying that a bloody awful lot lately. But he'd fucked up, he'd left the people he loved. He had to apologize.

Still, he was determined not to let this reunion be dragged down by anything. and that Harry seemed so happy to see him certainly helped. "I missed you too."


lpotter October 15 2008, 20:57:45 UTC
Lily smiled sadly at her son and friend. Sirius had more of a bond than Lily did with Harry. One she'd hoped she would have with Harry over time, but not one she'd immediately had.

Lily closed the door behind them and turned her attention to Teddy.

"So how is your kitty doing? Getting along with everyone nicely?" the red head grinned.


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